We've got a really big kitty cat roaming around our neighborhood. No one has seen the animal, but she is leaving her tracks. We know it is a she because there are smaller tracks following along with her big tracks. It has to be a female and her kitten.
Of course, the cougar hunters are out and about trying to find the cougar. I'm not happy about that situation. I don't really like a cougar around, but I don't want to see her killed. They are beautiful and so far, this cougar hasn't bothered any of our livestock. Although, she was down around the corrals and the horse area which is a worry.
I hope she stays out in the woods and outsmarts those hunters. I also hopes she leaves our livestock alone and leaves me alone, too. Although, to become the meal of a higher member of the food chain would probably be considered a privilege... or maybe not.
Annie :o)