Yep... Hubby got his first computer. Up to this point he has used my computer with MY HELP. Now... he is on his own and I think I'll let the pics tell you the rest of the story. lol
Well.... enough said. I think you've got the picture. lol
Annie :o)
posted on Apr 17, 2008 10:57 PM ()
That sounds like my mom. She bought a computer 7 years ago and had trouble with it. My dad, who said he would never touch a computer, took to it very easily. He can almost do as much as me.
Poor guy!
Oh the poor guy--please help him in time of need.
Oh, no! The poor guy! AJ
I feel like that all the time with mine at work...
someday I feel like that
He has a lot of company!! Make him call the techs!
pretty much how I feel a lot of the time
reguards yer down with machines pal bugg
Poor Hubby.
Your current Google ad is for 100's of pictures taken on Guam. Now that's something you don't see too often!