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American Graffiti Forever

Life & Events > Buddy's Recuperation

Buddy's Recuperation

JR and I talked with the vet today and the afternoon report was that Buddy was recovering from his encounter with the crazy longhorn cow and that he would probably come home tomorrow. (Buddy is our Border Collie cowdog for those who don't know.)

But... the vet called again this evening and Buddy had pulled the drain tube out of his chest. Now the vet has to replace the tube which will probably mean another day or two in the animal hospital. Also, the vet said that Buddy is very sore from being gored and tossed around by that cow.

I'm going to look into buying some shares of stock in this animal hospital as we spend so much of our money there. It seems that we always have at least one dog visiting a vet. Or maybe.... I should just go to vet school and learn how to take care of these animals myself. Actually.... I think I would have made a great veterinarian. Instead I chose to be an elementary school teacher and I just didn't have the patience for that job. It wasn't actually the children that drove me crazy, but the parents and administration.

Well, it is getting rather late here on the West Coast. Actually, it is after 1 am. Hubby goes to bed at 9pm after he has already taken an evening nap of two hours after dinner. We never have any evening time together other than him napping and me watching tv or reading. I sure wish he would have shown me this side of him when we were dating.

Hopefully when I get my health back, I will start being involved in some community activities and make some friends. Then JR can sleep the evening away and maybe I can find a local Bingo game. lol

Okay... I got off of the Buddy story and I really didn't mean to go down this road. Sooooo.... I'll just say goodnight.

Annie :o)

posted on May 20, 2008 1:30 AM ()


buddy i'll pull through. He's a stubborn old boy. Actually I wanted to be a vet, but went on to study Botany??????????
comment by tracy on May 20, 2008 1:00 PM ()
hopefully Buddy will get to come home soon, poor dog. Cows are mean.
Oh, don't ferget to vote in yer primary today? Or did you already? I hear its a mail in primary. I know y'all voted for me

yer it'll be closer than the number of votes indicate pal
comment by honeybugg on May 20, 2008 12:47 PM ()
Sorry to hear about Buddy.Lost all contact here and been quiet
for a day or so.These things happen.Have you been there to check
up on him and look around?
comment by fredo on May 20, 2008 9:54 AM ()
I hope you are able to find some outside activities to be a part of. I also hope that Buddy is able to come home soon. Take gentle care of yourself, Annie
comment by hopefields on May 20, 2008 8:29 AM ()
Annie, do look into some activity you can enjoy just for yourself when you're up to it. Being involved and or passionate about something makes us feel alive, making everything that much more enjoyable (or at least tolerable, )
comment by shesaidwhat on May 20, 2008 5:22 AM ()
Oh gosh Annie I am sorry.((((((HUGS)))))) Bless your heart!! Maybe you can find some activities to get involved in. It is late or rather early here and I need to scoot off to bed. I didn't mean to stay up this long it just kind of happened that way tonight.
comment by texastar on May 20, 2008 1:37 AM ()

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