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Life & Events > Killer Longhorn Cow

Killer Longhorn Cow

Well... hello ya'll. Life is definitely looking better here on the ranch today. I'm not worryin' 'bout all those life questions which were swirlin' round in my head yesterday and instead.. I'm lookin' forward to a great day today.

Fer one thing... our precious cattle dog... Buddy... is still alive today and that is great news. Yesterday... he had a big encounter with a rather mean longhorn cow with very very long horns and it didn't go so well for Buddy. She gored him in the right side of his chest and sunk about 4 to 5 inches of that twisted horn into his chest cavitiy. Lucky fer Buddy... the horn managed to miss all vital organs except for nicking a lung. The vet says he is very very lucky and she reports that he is up and around today.

It really was touch n' go yesterday as Buddy "crashed" once he arrived at the vets and he had to have CPR. He'd lost way too much blood and was in shock. They put tubes in his lungs to drain fluid and have him on anti-biotics to fight infection from that dirty horn.

Today... Buddy is on the road to recovery and that ole mean cow is on her way to the sale yard. The cow isn't our cow, but is our neighbor's and she has been causing havoc around the neighborhood. By-the-way... yes... some cows do have horns. The junior vet trainee had a difficult time grasping the fact that a cow could have horns. He needs to go back to vet school for more training. lol

Ya'll have a great day today.

Annie :o)

posted on May 19, 2008 10:41 AM ()


Poor Buddy... so glad to know he'll be ok. BAD COW! BAD COW!
comment by shesaidwhat on May 20, 2008 5:19 AM ()
I'm so happy to hear that Buddy is okay. It sounds like it was extremely serious. I also didn't know that some cows have horns like that.
comment by hopefields on May 19, 2008 4:58 PM ()
Glad to hear life on the ranch is back to "normal", meaning abnormal. Especially happy to read you're out of your funk. As you know, I'm not a "believer", but whatever works, that's what matters. Take care.
comment by solitaire on May 19, 2008 2:00 PM ()
Cows have horns here too! Hope buddy recovers
comment by tracy on May 19, 2008 12:03 PM ()
Poor Buddy!! I am glad that he is on the road to recovery. Well the junior Vet does need to go back to Vet school or visit our state and learn about longhorns. Oh I wouldn't want to mess with an unhappy longhorn.
comment by texastar on May 19, 2008 11:44 AM ()
poor buddy, but glad he is going to be ok!
on the way to school we pass a field of cows and they are always laying down. I thought they only layed down when it was going to storm. thats the wives tale I have heard anyway.
comment by elkhound on May 19, 2008 11:15 AM ()
Glad your day is going better today
comment by fugzy on May 19, 2008 11:15 AM ()
I would not want to mess with an unhappy bull!
comment by lunarhunk on May 19, 2008 10:51 AM ()

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