Please accept my humble apology for posting the silly email that I received. Of course, I am using red to match the color of my blush. I do appreciate the comments and the information that I received since I am somewhat wiser than before. Something I have always believed is if you are in doubt, ask! This cartoon is the closest in describing the position in which I found myself. Indeed I am the cat being scanned!
posted on Apr 29, 2008 11:50 AM ()
I understand why you are apologizing, but there really is no need to. You may feel you have mistakenly posted something or caused discomfort unintentionally, but you DID STATE that you were sharing an email that you received. The information that was presented and was in question was somebody else's doing! That's where the blame goes. Your readers know (or should know) that you would not post anything of your own words and position without having first-hand knowledge or doing some research first. (You know what? That email has brought about more trouble than any measure of truth that may be in it. You actually did a favor by bringing it back in the limelight to prove how vicious some people can be so that others can be aware and not believe such things so easily.)
I keep hearing the same thing as your email here. What the rednecks are really saying is: "I won't vote for a n-----, even if I have to libel him to keep him out of the White House. Prejudice is still alive and well in America. You are forgiven.
I don't feel as if you owe anyone an apology. I think things became a little overheated by some of the comments. A simple "hey, check this Snopes site out" would have sufficed, in my opinion. No worries, sista, this is your space. Let it roll off your shoulders.
Angie, you have nothing to apologize for! You did nothing wrong. You are such a sweet person, I know that you didn't mean anything by it. Besides, you were asking others for their input. There's nothing wrong with that.
angie you are one of the sweetest people on here! please don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong.
oh don't apologise, hun. you were just askin'. I felt kinda bad because I mebee came off a bit strong and mebee I should have been a bit more subtle. So, tell me, what cabinet post would you like in the Bugg Administration? (Vice Poobah, Sec. of Ed., Attorney General and Ambasador to Hawaii are already spoken for
reguards yer about to straighten the country out pal bugg
Naaaa, that's not a problem, sweetie. I just posted some dumb email I got a couple of months back and then I did the Snopes thing. Found out it was a big huge hoax. Never be apologetic. You only offered it for our thoughts. NBD Love and
I too, don't think you have anything to apologize for Angie. You were just posting this and stated that it was an e-mail from the beginning and was asking input. You have nothing to apologize for in my opinion.
You stated right from the get-go that this email was news to you and that you were interested in hearing input from others -- you never proclaimed to believe it. So, in my humble opinion, if you're only asking for insight, you have nothing to be sorry for. Like sunlight commented below, when I get sketchy emails I usually check'em out first at Snopes. It's a fantastic resource.
Dearest Angie, it's obvious that you never got this email before. The email has been around for awhile. The answers sound angry... They could have simply referred you to Snopes. Here are the pages:
I wouldn't apologize either. You shared an email.
Well, it's your blog, and you asked for input... really nothing there to apologize for IMO.