Here are some of the scarves I knitted for our scarf project. A friend of mine who just recently learned to knit decided it would be fun to make 18 scarves to give to a group of mentally challenged adults whom she sees at her psychotherapist's office. I provided 10 scarves and some stocking caps, and she and her mother did the rest. They are going to tie a ribbon around each one with a Merry Christmas tag.
Although, due to medical confidentiality laws, she can't hand them out in person, she is looking forward to seeing the recipients wearing them. We're interested to know who will pick which colors/styles.
posted on Nov 26, 2010 3:24 PM ()
They are all beautiful although the second from the bottom is my favourite - I think you did show a photo of it when you completed it, it's lovely
Just beautiful....
The scarves are lovely and will be much appreciated.
That is just too cool.
I'm still using your dishrag. Hate calling it a "rag".
I will liked that if you do.Thanks.
Wonderful idea!
what a wonderful idea.Are some of those for sale?I liked them all but the blue one is my favorites.I matter of fact I like them all.