The farm house is on the south side of the county road. This photo is from the county website, it would be prettier with crops in the field.

I'll try to remember to take some photos this summer.
My rich cousins back east own the other half of the farm, and they want to sell it, so eventually I won't have a farm any more. I'll be sad to see it go.
Here are some pro-agriculture bumper sticker ideas promulgated by one of the extension agents at Colorado State University.
Slow Moving Vehicle Today, Fast Food Tomorrow
My Cow Makes Your Insulin
Shirt, $15; Lunch, $8; Farmer Who Produced It, Priceless
I Ranch For You
Hungry. Naked. Where Did All The Farmers Go?
Farm = Fiber + Food + Fuel
If Your Milk Comes From A Store, How Did The Store Get It?
Farming: The Original Survivor Series
Agriculture: You Can't Live Without It!
Farm Rule #1: Feed The People
When people talk about the high price of food, they sometimes forget that farmers are paying the same high gas prices to plant and harvest the crops, and the price of seed and fertilizer have all gone up.
Bottom line: there's no free lunch for anybody (except maybe the oil companies and Halliburton and etc.)