Aaron Coutu


Aaron Coutu
Pascoag, RI
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Stories From My Real Life

Jobs & Careers > The New Job

The New Job

I know you all probably figured that I was going to post about the new job last night, after finishing my first day. I am not sure why, but I ended up not really doing too much online last night. I just vegged on the couch with the boob tube.

It was actually a really good first day. I got another tour of the library, getting a behind-the-scenes look at things. I now know where all of the utility closets are as well as the two elevator rooms and every storage space in the building, including the mysterious third floor, which is where the monastery's infirmary was located.

That last part was really cool. While most of the walls have been taken down, I could get a sense of how tiny the cells were. Of course, this was the infirmary so I assume they were smaller than the reguarl cells.

I also got to go up into the bell tower and out onto one of the flat roofs. That really provided an amazingly beautiful of the whole monastery grounds!

After that I returned to my office. For a little bit, panic kicked in. It wasn't that I felt overwhelmed or anything. I just felt like there were more things that I was supposed to be doing rather than just unpacking all of my things and decorating the office. Fortunately, I sorted out things and started working on projects like familiarizing myself with the set up of the library's website and other similar tasks.

Today was the first day that I got to deal with my first computer "crisis." As part of the new job, I am the guy they call when there is something not quite right with one of the computers. I was a little nervous because I wanted to make sure to not look like I am not up to the job. It turned out that I was more than up for the job and fixed things in about a minute. Yippee for me!

One of the most challenging things is getting to know everyone's names. There are 35 employees on the staff. On the bright side, I already know a good number of them, which is helping. I just have to connect the names and faces of the rest. I am getting there, though.

On an interesting note, I pretty much have my own bathroom. I am the only guy on the staff so the staff men's room is pretty much available all the time. For the longest itme, the ladies, just used both. It looks like that will be an ongoing trend since it seems silly to just to have the bathroom for myself when there is enough demand to share. It is a single use room.

Tonight, I stayed late to attend the monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees. They had been hoping to meet me, and this seemed like the easiest way to do that. Like the staff, they are really all such nice people. My appointment to the staff was also officially done this evening since they have to vote approve all hires. They had tentatively done that via email previously, but that could not be considered an official vote.

posted on Aug 23, 2011 6:27 PM ()


Building looks a bit British lol.. Good luck with your new job buddy! I am really happy for you xx
comment by itsjustme on Sept 26, 2011 7:47 AM ()
That is true. I hadn't really thought of it that way.
reply by lunarhunk on Sept 26, 2011 8:01 AM ()
Oh my gosh, what a scary looking building. I would not want to work late at night in that building by myself. The architecture is really beautiful though...do you know when it was built?
comment by gapeach on Aug 25, 2011 5:20 PM ()
Part of that is probably due to the really bad lanscaping. Everything looks much more like a park so it is beautiful. The town has done a really nice job of sprucing everything up so it is nice nad friendly.
reply by trekbrarian on Aug 26, 2011 11:37 AM ()
Wow, that is a huge building. Is it all taken up with the library?
comment by dragonflyby on Aug 25, 2011 7:38 AM ()
That was the original monestary. The part on the right with the little white spire, which is in the close up in the lower picture, is the part that burned down decades ago. With the loss of that building, which I think was referred to as the guesthouse, the monks moved to what was supposed to be a secondary monastery they were building at the time.

The monestary church, which is at the back of the picture also burned down, but we are in the part that looks like a side-ways T.
reply by trekbrarian on Aug 26, 2011 11:36 AM ()
That is such a lovely building. Just think of it as a marvelous setting for
a horror story and write one.
comment by elderjane on Aug 24, 2011 5:51 AM ()
Ooooh! That is such a cool idea!
reply by trekbrarian on Aug 24, 2011 6:43 PM ()
that is one cool library! They are all going to love you there, how could they not? best of luck!
comment by elkhound on Aug 24, 2011 5:11 AM ()
Thanks! I really am liking it, and I am so interested in the history of the campus.
reply by trekbrarian on Aug 24, 2011 6:44 PM ()
Yes, it looks like there must be ghosts. Do people actually go into the building, look for books and check them out?
comment by troutbend on Aug 23, 2011 8:22 PM ()
Those are actually pictures of the campus when it was the monastery. Some of those structures did burn down, though much of the main library was converted into the library, which also has an expansion on it. It is quite a busy library.
reply by trekbrarian on Aug 24, 2011 6:42 PM ()
But what about the ghosts??? Which ones did you meet?
comment by greatmartin on Aug 23, 2011 8:09 PM ()
So far, I haven't met any of the ghosts.
reply by trekbrarian on Aug 24, 2011 6:41 PM ()

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