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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > Boring > Well, It's Been a While ...

Well, It's Been a While ...

We got our front patio enclosed, but it still needs some work and we have to replace rotting side paneling (why did they ever put that in?) and waiting for someone who can do it.

It’s very nice, however, and we will put a table and chairs there and Ed bought a fountain for it. It is deep blues and green ceramic and constructed in way that the cats can’t drink out of it. We won’t hook it up till the rest of the work is done.

Also, we have signed a contract to have our kitchen renovated. We will remove the dropped ceiling, giving us more storage space, new cabinets. We have super granite that will be removed and reinstalled, but had to sign a waiver in case something goes wrong with it. Work on that won't begin until the end of July and I am dreading packing all the stuff in boxes and finding places to put the boxes.

Also we'll have to eat out a lot. (Teal smiles.)

I am very troubled about the world economy and our investments too, as the impact of the British decision to leave the European Union is being felt worldwide. The young people voted to stay in and their elders voted to leave, under the mistaken impression the British Empire can go it alone because it always has. They are living in the past. Ignorance reigns. I wrote a piece about it to the local paper, and it has, I trust, gone into the black hole reserved exclusively for my submissions.

John, my friend with the heart problem, crashed to the pavement some weeks ago and fractured his leg, the result of Buster going after some birds and pulling him off balance. He is finally home after some hospital time and some time in rehab, and not a minute too soon. I am exhausted from keeping up with Buster, who needs to be walked and fed. A friend will be staying with him a while. She needs a place during a nasty divorce (interesting, long story, but not for here) and will be a help to him.

And a great victory today because the Supreme Court upheld a woman’s right to choose. They struck down the destructive Texas law that would have resulted in closed clinics all over that state and this decision will also protect women’s rights in states that have also passed unconstitutional restrictions on women’s health care. And what was especially gratifying was that this is still predominately a conservative court but they followed the law, which recognizes that states’ end runs around the federal law are unconstitutional.

Finally, I overslept yesterday morning and was not able to do a morning walk because the temp hit 90 before 8 o’clock. That is impossible. So I asked Ed to lower the treadmill that now lives in our bedroom, primarily so he can use it and he hasn’t been. Anyway, I did 30 minutes and was sick for the rest of the day. Ed says it is a harder workout because there is an incline. So I’ll try it again but for a shorter period. I’m giving myself a rest today. The sick lasted the entire day.

xx, Teal

posted on June 27, 2016 9:43 AM ()


Can you lower the incline to make it level? That makes all the difference if you can.
comment by boots586 on June 29, 2016 3:11 PM ()
Yes, my husband set it up for me and it didn't feel so bad to start. Or I can leave it as is and only do 15 minutes. I'll do that when I use it again, but as long as the weather is nice, I'll walk outside.
reply by tealstar on July 2, 2016 6:20 AM ()
Eating out sounds wonderful. It is about 95 and going up every day here. I am off to the polls to vote against every incumbent and for the most
liberal candidate after my morning walk. Don't make yourself sick doing too much. You are going to love your beautiful new kitchen. It will be
worth all the inconvenience.
comment by elderjane on June 28, 2016 4:16 AM ()
An incline makes a big difference. Long live the Queen!
comment by jjoohhnn on June 27, 2016 4:24 PM ()
comment by jondude on June 27, 2016 3:40 PM ()
I hope all of us get good strength back, and keep it! Your kitchen redo timing is good, you'll be spared a lot of cooking during end-of-summer heat.
comment by drmaus on June 27, 2016 12:52 PM ()
I never even thought of that! It's all good.
reply by tealstar on June 27, 2016 2:49 PM ()

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