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Teal's Modest Adventures

Politics & Legal > Did You Get This E Mail?

Did You Get This E Mail?

I posted this on my Facebook page and thought it was relevant enough to post here as well.

A friend of mine forwarded to me an E mail and the subject line was “Seniors Beware – Read This” and it contained a supposedly true account of a senior who went to Danbury Hospital in Danbury, CT and on arriving was told his important cardiology tests had been canceled because Medicare was no longer covering them.

I continued to read and there was another story that referenced a doctor at a Tennessee facility who said oh, yes, Medicare is cutting services. Also not true.
The tone and rhetoric were indignant and outraged, a classic device to incite fear and persuade the reader of the truth of the statements. The accounts, however, were so full of holes that I knew immediately that this was a right wing diatribe against the health care act.

It also revisited the “death panel” charges that Sarah Palin made so much about during the 2008 campaign. These so-called “death panels” were consultations between patient, family, and doctor, that the plan would pay for if the family wanted to discuss a terminal patient’s care. The consultations were intended to be comforting and informative and were in no way designed to force the death of the patient which was the right wing claim. But of course Palin distorted their true intent and kept mouthing off about Obama wanting to “get rid of granny.” I think the pressure was great enough that this humane and useful service was written out of the bill that was passed.

I wrote my objections and my friend responded that he wouldn’t mislead me. No, but he can get it wrong and in all sincerity spread misinformation. So, knowing my word wasn’t good enough (yeah, go figure), I looked this up on Snopes and they had it all.

Please use this link: https://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/over75.asp

Also, please send this link to any friend who forwards this E mail to you believing it to be true.

I am astonished that crap (on Facebook I said "stuff" because I wanted to be graceful) that makes the rounds is so rarely questioned. It’s so easy to learn the truth. Or maybe it’s just easier to think “I am a victim and it is the President’s fault.”

I haven't heard back from my friend and that bothers me because he should own up that he didn't have the facts.

xx, Teal

P.S. I would have liked to post the link in a way that it could be clicked on and immediately accessed, but don't now how. Can anyone tell me how to do this? It's worth, copying and pasting into your browser.

posted on July 19, 2012 7:24 AM ()


Thank you! I wish sometimes I could launch a crusade against lying crap spread on the internet, but it would take energy I don't have. Many of those newsletters and emails even say, "This is true, you can check Snopes" -- because so few people will actually do that. If they did they will usually find out it's a lie.
comment by drmaus on July 19, 2012 10:00 PM ()
Responding with truth to ignorant friends or slanderous acquaintances seems to be my second career.
reply by tealstar on July 20, 2012 5:50 AM ()
It is amazing how many people think that if they see something on line or on television that it is automatically true. To post a link, click on the icon that looks like a link. A screen will pop up. Copy and paste the URL of the article you wish to add. Then hit "insert" and it will appear in your post. Hope that helps.
comment by timetraveler on July 19, 2012 12:33 PM ()
I live in a community with 300 other senior citizens--many in their 80s and 90s--if anyone had a problem with Medicare/Medicaid/doctors/hospitals/insurance EVERYONE would know about it--so far not a bad word!
comment by greatmartin on July 19, 2012 8:36 AM ()
I've never told my friend how old I am. We're the same age. He has a lot of medical problems and doctors. I should ask him if he has ever been denied service because of his age. Your experience is exactly what I told him, but he may think I got tests [paid for because I am younger. I'll probably have to tell him. I avoid telling people who aren't doing as well as I am because I don't need this kind of one-up.
reply by tealstar on July 19, 2012 8:53 AM ()
I get so tired of the ignorant and uninformed conservatives. They circulate
the lies that they don't research. It is Obama's birth certificater all over
comment by elderjane on July 19, 2012 8:04 AM ()
There is a site called Politics.com that posts surveys constantly. I always fill them out with centrist/liberal answers. Then they show a pie chart showing how the others have voted and the chart is almost always divided evenly between left and right. I can only hope that the people voting right are located in states with a very low electoral impact.
reply by tealstar on July 19, 2012 8:55 AM ()
Those right-wing lying emails are so egregious. Apparently they've given up on personal attacks against Obama and moved on to lying about health care. Unfortunately, a lot of people are going to believe it and not bother to check the truth. Watch: they will still be circulating 5 years from now as if it happened yesterday.

When you are writing a MyBloggers post, the code to insert a link is shown at the bottom of the "Quick HTML Tips" list to the right (under where you click to insert a picture).
comment by troutbend on July 19, 2012 7:53 AM ()
What annoys me is those who send them to me thinking they are gospel and thinking I am going to roll over. I always research and send back a Snopes or other verification of my position. One correspondent has stopped sending me stuff. Getting tired of being shot down, I guess. Thanks for info on HTML.
reply by tealstar on July 19, 2012 8:57 AM ()

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