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Teal's Modest Adventures

Entertainment > Music > Learning


I went on to YouTube to listen to the Chopin F minor Ballade that I have been studying for many years. I have brought it along to almost performance level. Sometimes a professional’s version is beyond what I can do technically, so I wasn’t at all confident that it was a good idea. But I convinced myself that a little humility wouldn’t hurt. The difficulties for my hands are many and now that I am older I have arthritis in my fingers. I play through the pain and the work helps my hands.

I found this pianist Krystian Zimerman, Polish born, who is absolutely magnificent. I spent the afternoon just listening to him play various Chopin pieces, the Ballade, a couple of scherzos, and then he played the Beethoven Eroica piano concerto and since Beethoven is for me the very meat and potatoes of existence, it made me feel like life was worth living. So I cried. Leonard Bernstein conducted. And, in case you are wondering, Chopin is dessert. But life is Beethoven. Schubert a close second. Stick Schumann in there too.

Without Sophie, I foomf along, trying to remember everything she taught me. But, no doubt about it, I’d be better off musically if she was still alive. She died a month short of her 100th birthday in 2007. The Austrian government was sending her reparation money (not gladly, I’m sure) and every year they’d keep checking, not believing she was still alive. Until finally one day, she wasn’t. I have her photo on my piano. And I hope she isn’t cringing as she hears me struggle. When I am deep in study, I hear her voice in my head. It doesn’t even matter that I’ll never be great. It’s the journey that resonates. And in any art, there is no end to it which is why prominent professionals still have teachers/mentors. There is always something more to be learned. Sometimes when Sophie showed me something new that solved a problem, I’d think, wow, that is so simple. It’s the only way. How could I have missed it?

Sophie once said that she would like to sit across the room and hear me play, as if I were in performance. I said, “Sophie, Rubinstein could be playing for you and you would interrupt him with a correction in less than a minute.” She admitted I had a point.

xx, Teal

P.S. Sophie was a mewmber of a prominent musical family. Google her brother, the cellist Emanuel Feuermann who died at 39. He was a legend.

posted on Oct 5, 2016 3:10 PM ()


Having this skill must be so wonderful. Sometimes I dream about being able to sing but in real life can do no such thing. Your Sophie must have been one of those the governments should have bragged about. I had a friend whose mother was a German citizen working as a translator for the military in WWII. She met his father (a soldier) and married him afterwards. I remember he said the German govt. would send frequent bundles of news items and sometimes old photos to her. I don't know if she got payments as well, but the government wanted to keep in touch with expatriates from those years.
comment by drmaus on Oct 6, 2016 1:20 AM ()
Sophie's brother Emmanuel Feuermann is still very much honored. There are competitions, festivals, that are held in his name. Daniel Barenboim is responsible for one. There is also a Facebook page. Sophie was invited to speak at one in Germany. She was, I think about 97 or so at the time. She went and was fantastic. And she also referenced the holocaust, a gutsy thing to do in front of a German audience.
reply by tealstar on Oct 6, 2016 10:05 AM ()
I envy your musical talent and your talent for listening too. I used
to have seasons tickets to the symphony and enjoyed it so much. We
have let that and seasons tickets to the theatre lapse. I miss it.
comment by elderjane on Oct 5, 2016 5:31 PM ()
Even without season tickets, are there too many obstacles to your attending a performance now and then? Ed and I were so annoyed with the Sarasota Opera treatment of newcomers that we didn't renew our subscription. They lumped four operas into a one-month marathon at the end of the season. Since we were traveling over an hour one-way each time we went, we found it exhausting and they wouldn't change anything when renewal time came so we said goodbye.
reply by tealstar on Oct 6, 2016 11:20 AM ()

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