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Teal's Modest Adventures

Health & Fitness > Good News and Minutiae

Good News and Minutiae

My contact at the News-Press is leaving her current job and will be writing a column. I am sorry to lose her and wish her well. It does seem like a dream job. Meanwhile, she has sent me the names of new contacts, and I am hoping to develop a relationship that is as productive as the one I had with Martha.

I saw a cardiologist a day ago and he said my heart has no problems, tachycardia notwithstanding. He said that the painful spasms in my back could be the cause. He also said he observed no related symptoms I should have had that would confirm I had a TIA (transitory ischemic attack aka a stroke) earlier this year, which my internist and related staff diagnosed after a cat scan. He doesn’t think I had one. He does, however, want me to repeat the Holter monitor test and I will go there to be fitted on Monday, wear it overnight, and then return it.

Today I saw my internist. I see him twice a year now. He flirts with me. I like that. He is a warm-hearted fellow I relate to well. He said all my tests were aces – everything. I am going to stop worrying. And I will pick up the pace on my work-outs since I have gained two pounds and this is driving me nuts. He told me to treat my back with heat and massage and said I should take St. John’s Wort which will calm me because my psychological state may be contributing. I have been very sad, no doubt about it. And I am annoyed that I forgot to buy it when I was shopping afterwards.

Meanwhile, I am waiting delivery of an essential oil blend that has been effective in relieving the spasms and I have run out of it. I also ran out of my protein supplement and got a new supply just yesterday.

I spent the day dealing with the doctor’s appointment which always takes about 2 to 3 hours (he runs late), dropping clothes off at the cleaners, and shopping at BJ’s. I had to make a second stop at Publix to get stuff not at BJ’s. That wore me out. I picked up a case of Diet Coke and a case of Arizona Iced Tea for Ed and there was lots of other stuff that made loading the cart, and later the car, a major effort. Those cases weigh a ton. Well, I did ask a woman in the parking lot to help me with the tea. She said no problem and she got it into the car all by herself. The case weighed about 30 lbs. She said she works as a server and is lifting heavy stuff all the time. I could lift the case, but not high enough to get it out of the cart. Maybe I didn't try hard enough.

My height was measured and over recent years I lost two inches and now am 4 ft., 10 inches. How annoying. There is no justice. If there is a God, he hates me. Jay used to say that I was meant for a kinder gentler planet and that through some error, I got sent to this one and somewhere out there, is a frustrated alter ego who got sent to this kind planet and is languishing for want of a challenge. If I could talk to her, I'd tell her to suck it up just like I'm doing.

xx, Teal

posted on Dec 6, 2014 7:22 AM ()


I am saved the unloading misery by simply putting all heavy things in
an extra wheel chair and using it as a carrier to the house. a little
child's wagon works too. I have one for gardening but the wheel chair
is wonderful for carrying heavy things and lots of them.
comment by elderjane on Dec 7, 2014 8:46 AM ()
A while back I bought a sturdy stainless steel cart on line meaning to use it in the kitchen to carry stuff to the dining table and back and it was too big. So I put it in the garage and use it to unload the car, saving many trips back and forth. I still would like to have a serving cart. I have also used a rolling office chair to move stuff and that is still more do-able than getting this large stainless cart into the house.
reply by tealstar on Dec 7, 2014 12:07 PM ()
Very glad your dr. gave you a good heart report. I like the remark of your late husband's -- it sounds like he was putting you into someone's novel. And what is the conspiracy with the diet soda at the grocery store? At mine they put all of the 1-liter bottles above my head, and I have to ask for help too.
comment by drmaus on Dec 6, 2014 9:43 AM ()
That's great news, and you were smart to ask for help in the parking lot. We all wish a stranger would ask us for help once in awhile, makes us feel good about life in general.
comment by troutbend on Dec 6, 2014 7:36 AM ()
In the market, I am always asking somone to help me reach the diet Coke which is on the top shelf. I can just touch it. Sometimes, if no one is around, I remove a small case of something and stand on it.
reply by tealstar on Dec 6, 2014 8:44 AM ()

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