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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > Dead Snake, Covid Shots - It's All Fun

Dead Snake, Covid Shots - It's All Fun

This morning I came upon a dead snake in our living room. He or she was easily 15 inches long. The culprit could have been any one of four cats. If it had been alive, I could have put it outside, but it was too late. I save a lot of geckos. I tell them all not to come to my house. We have cats, I explain. I don’t think either one of my two, Max or Tyler, who are free to roam the house and pool deck, murdered the snake. It think it was Sasha or Monet, who are Sol’s cats and only have roaming privileges when she is home. The rest of the time they are holed up in the guest suite.

Juliet continues to hold court in the master bedroom, pokes her head out now and then retreats if she sees Max, who frightens her. Max is just curious, but Juliet is spooked. My money for the snake murder is on Sasha or Monet. They were roaming last night.

Regarding the continued stress between Max and Juliet, Laura asked Susan, her pet psychic friend, to give us a session and that took place on the phone. Susan analyzed the situation long distance. Says I should put up a baby gate allowing visual access to the bedroom, and letting Juliet and Max get used to each other without fear. She also said I should talk to both and explain the situation. She said, yes, they would understand me.

Meanwhile, Juliet wreaks havoc in the bedroom, assuaging her boredom by hiding my slippers, tipping over my water glass, pushing things off my desk, chewing any papers I am working with. Maybe it’s a good thing she doesn’t have the run of the house.

And it’s hallelujah time. I was totally exhausted trying to get an appointment with the Publix supermarket chain that was giving covid vaccinations. The last few times I got on the site at the opening hour, 7 a.m., asked to choose my county, and it wasn’t on the county list. Yet when I was shopping, there were people at the pharmacy getting their shots that they had gotten appointments for through this site. I don’t know what their magic was. So I signed on with Lee County directly and they responded by phone. We got called, appointments were made, we went to the airport location in Fort Myers, and we got our shots. The whole thing took about a half hour (but it was 2 hours getting there and back). We were giddy. We are expecting follow-up calls for the 2nd shots we will need. My guess is they have to wait till they get another shipment of the vaccine. The site was super efficient, the staff just lovely. I think Biden’s people are doing their job and I am grateful.

xx, Teal

posted on Mar 30, 2021 12:19 PM ()


I was so excited to get my Covid vaccination I couldn't sleep the night before.
comment by janett on Apr 24, 2021 12:36 PM ()
Many years ago I saw a pet psychic on TV, and she described what a pair of cats was thinking - they used to live somewhere else that they liked better, but where they were now was okay.

comment by traveltales on Apr 1, 2021 7:34 AM ()
Perhaps now we can begin to take our lives back. If the stupids would just get on board and get their vaccines. Congratulations.
comment by elderjane on Mar 31, 2021 3:44 AM ()
Donna and I had a hell of a time getting consecutive appointments but we finally did it at a pharmacy 20 miles up the road. We got the first dose two weeks ago and it was a beautiful drive on a spring morning. The system scheduled the second dose at the same time it scheduled the first. We had to wait and extra week until 60=64-year olds were eligible. Starting today anybody over 30 can get it and next week everyone over 16. Hopefully the masses will get onboard before a variant puts us all beck to square one.
comment by jjoohhnn on Mar 30, 2021 4:16 PM ()

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