I have acquaintances but few friends (Ha! I almost wrote fiends!) I don't go to church. Don't go to bars, etc, so contact with other people is limited. I'd like for there to be a place to go play Scrabble with other Scrabble fanatics, and I looove to play card games and Mexican train dominoes, and wish there were a group where you could discuss literature and learn things and have intellectual stimulation. And I love live theatre. I'd like to have been a stage actress.
I have one good friend, another nurse named "Dottie" I've known for 22 years, and my cousin Ellie, an invaluable person. Although it's been enjoyable to live alone and pursue solitary interests, that's not good for a person. Being a curmudgeon doesn't help. By nature I am soft and loving and tender, but had to grow prickles and thorns to confront life as it is. Life isn't kind to soft tender beings.
Dottie thinks I'm a bit nuts to be so passionate about environmental issues, like the oil reserve deal in the salt domes in our county, and the logging etc. It's funny--I looked up the meaning of my maiden name and it means "people of the woods." Apropos I think. So here I am, with my roots in the woods--it was my fate I suppose. But in my next reincarnation I hope to be a hawk; it would be nice to fly away sometimes. Susil