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News From Mississippi

Health & Fitness > Big 'Uns

Big 'Uns

Thursday, July 24, 2008.  Went to the clinic to get prescriptions rewritten. There was a time when you could go every six months, get your bi-annual checkup and whatever blood tests the doctor wanted, get the Rx's rewritten and be done with it. Now they want you to come in every three months.
I drove the seven miles to the clinic noting that the mimosa are almost finished blooming, but crepe myrtles of all colors are in their heyday. Arrived at 10am. Outside it was like a sauna; hot and humid. Supposed to get up to 100 degrees this weekend with heat index in the triple digits. It was good and cold in the clinic--I enjoyed that while waiting.
When I went in, there was an enormously obese black man in a wheelchair at the receptionist's desk. They couldn't maneuver the man into an exam room, so the doctor had checked him out where he sat and found his blood sugar dangerously high. She had called an ambulance to transport the man to Forrest General Hospital 40 miles away.
The man was protesting "Doc there's a fambly reunion this weekend and I don't wanna miss that. They's gonna be some good food there!" Everyone groaned. The doctor said she could not let him leave with his blood sugar that high. The ambulance crew arrived and the entire staff of the clinic, plus numerous family members helped get the man onto the stretcher. There were some real groans then as everyone lifted and pulled.
I just heard on the news that Mississippi-- again-- has the dubious name of being the fattest state in the nation. Yep, we really are. Susil

posted on July 25, 2008 6:06 AM ()


I feel sorry for that man, but perhaps before he eats himself to death, I'd like to think that maybe someone in his family (the best cook?) might help him. Makes me think of the saying, "You can reach a man's heart through his stomach." Note, the saying doesn't mention a way to reach the guy's brain.
comment by marta on July 30, 2008 6:21 PM ()
There has to be a medical reason for these terribly obese people to get so fat that they are incapacitated. I know skinny people who eat constantly and never gain an ounce. There probably is a lot left to learn about metabolism.
comment by elderjane on July 27, 2008 5:46 PM ()
It's a shame to attempt to choose "good food" over life
comment by shesaidwhat on July 27, 2008 8:01 AM ()
Susil, big or small, you are one in a million. I
encourage "smaller" because it lets me keep my friends
comment by tealstar on July 27, 2008 5:15 AM ()
Yes I heard that stat too. I was surprised also that Honolulu is the 2nd healthest city in the nation...which makes no sense to me cause there are MANY MANY obese people here in Hawai'i.
comment by panthurdreams on July 25, 2008 12:40 PM ()
Once when I was in the hospital, I noticed an obese man in another room. They had to open double wide doors to get him out. He was up once,
making a phone call in the hall booth (remember booths?) He had
one foot and part of a thigh in the booth, that's all. Smokers may
die younger but at least they are getting around.
comment by tealstar on July 25, 2008 9:55 AM ()
If famine strikes, Mississippi can live off her fat. My family ran to fat and mostly married skinny smokers. When the hard times came, the smokers died off quickly. The fat ones survived to vote Republican.
I never said we were smart.
comment by bumpedoff on July 25, 2008 6:37 AM ()
I think TN is in the top three...stay cool hun *hugs*
comment by elfie33 on July 25, 2008 6:35 AM ()

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