Wednesday, July 22, 2008. Perhaps hearing that the fringes of hurricane Dolly would dump rain on us by the afternoon, the loggers arrived before 5am this morning. I couldn't believe they'd be out there in the dark. I got dressed and drove past their staging area a few hundred yards from my house. The heavy equipment was blazing with lights and they set about slicing and dicing.
Directly overhead, a waning moon shone weakly through thin cloud cover. I backed up in the driveway with the camera resting on the passenger seat, and watched until dawn broke. At daybreak, five crows flew down onto the driveway. They walked around, with their heads making that odd jerky back and forth bobbing movement birds make when on foot.
Suddenly the whine of the saw that sounds like some monstrous mosquito started up and for a moment the birds, walking one behind the other, stood listening intently like carved black stone. Then one ruffled its feathers and cawed in alarm and they flew away. In my next life I want to be a bird.
During the morning I took photos of the logger's activities, just to let the sons of bitches know I was watching. By 2pm, it started raining hard, accompanied by booms of thunder and crashes of lightning. I drove past to see if that had driven them away. Yes, temporarily at least. I was startled to see a sleek white cat run out of the uncut woods in front of the house. It crossed the road up onto my yard looking for a place to get out of the rain.(Since seeing a black cat is bad luck,does crossing paths with a white cat mean good luck??)
It might have been a feral cat rousted out of the woods, or one of my neighbors animals. I sat in the car on the carport listening to the rain. When I got out and slammed the car door, the cat who had snuck up under my car took off like a shot running back to the woods. I think this is the critter who wallowed around in my cuke plants and crushed them, and maybe the source of the burning hair smell under the hood of the car. This cat has been making itself at home.
PS. I don't want to be a hypocrite, because I use lots of paper towels and toilet paper and other paper products and know trees have to be cut to produce these items. But your perspective changes when you pick up a roll of paper towels and know what had to be destroyed to get it.  Susil