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News From Mississippi

News From Mississippi > Susil's Comments

Susil's Comments

Hi teal; Meditation and positive thinking--and laughter, at silly movies etc. help too, along with nutrition. I know you have the inner fortitude..
Comment on Well, it is What it Is ... - Apr 11, 2011 9:43 AM ()
Dear teal; so fortunate that you have the Moffat Center with all the latest techniques and technology--you'll do fine, you're a scrappy little one--if anybody can kick this it's you!
Comment on Update - Apr 11, 2011 9:36 AM ()
Thank You. Your post inspired a blog I'm gonna write about meeting a preacher in the aisle of Wallymart.
Comment on Faith (Oh, That Again) - Mar 26, 2011 12:03 PM ()
Well I'm gonna tell my deepest darkest secret that very few people know, even family members. I have been on Dilantin 38 years, after having had two seizures for which no reason was ever found despite CAT scans and such. In fact, (I don't know if this is true for cats and dogs) in about half of all cases no cause is ever found, the electrical wiring in the brain mis-fires, as the neurologist put it.
So for many many years I've taken this med and no problems whatever, and no mis-fires. I was initially put on phenobarb, too, but all this does is make you sleep. Stopped that.
Maybe Brunz needs something besides phenobarb.
Comment on The Latest - Mar 26, 2011 11:57 AM ()
My pharmacy doles out all generic meds except one that I insisted must be the name brand because who knows if the components from one batch of generic med to another is consistent?
Susan the tailor lady sounds like a cousin of mine who was supposed to make a blouse for me five years ago! I bought the pattern, material, thread, zipper the whole kit and kaboodle and every time I ask about it, she puts me off. I said at least give me the pattern back; I love it and looked for it so long. She must have lost the whole schmear and won't admit it.
Comment on What is That? - Mar 26, 2011 11:46 AM ()
Hi; Kindred spirit here with leaks and such, I commiserate.
And I notice the ceiling over the stove is discolored from rain seepage and now I'll have to have that painted which will hopefully make it passable instead of replacing it.
As you found out, doctors have a tendency to ignore clients sometimes when they are clearly pointing out symptoms. I don't know why they do that. I'm changing dr's too.
Comment on My Kitchen Tis of Thee - Mar 26, 2011 11:37 AM ()
Now THAT was interesting!
If only there was some way to harness some of that electrical power. There's gotta be some way to do it.
Now as for strange phenomena, I saw a show on I think National Geographic about the appearance of flamingos in Siberia, and no one knows how or why they got there. One bird fell out of the sky and was rescued and fed and eventually wound up in a zoo!
Comment on Strange Natural Phenomena You've Never Seen - Mar 14, 2011 2:26 PM ()
I heard Lady Gaga was a man in drag.
Paltrow can't sing, bless her heart.
What's not to like about all the award shows, tho? I like to see the fashions and all the outrageousness!
Comment on What a Side Show--the Outrageous Grammys! - Mar 14, 2011 2:20 PM ()
Glenn Beck is an idiot with a big mouth. Period.
Comment on You Can't Trust Google or Any of the Rest! - Mar 14, 2011 2:15 PM ()
Years ago I painted a plaster bust of Nefertiti, using archival photos to get the right colors for her skin and head dress etc. It turned out beautifully and was one of my prized possessions until during a move to Texas, the movers dropped her and she broke--and broke my heart.
Comment on Nefertiti: Beautiful Mysterious Queen of Egypt - Mar 14, 2011 2:12 PM ()
Hi teal; That's why I avoid overdosing on the news lately--all I want is ups!!
I don't know why but this melancholy movie gets to me. Melancholy by nature I suppose.
Comment on On the Beach - Feb 8, 2011 4:10 PM ()
Sometimes all other people want is someone to listen. I know you do that well.
Comment on Friends and Loss - Dec 26, 2010 1:51 PM ()
Love your country song!
Sympathy with the medical records stuff. Even tho I see the same doctor year after year, they make me fill out fresh paperwork on the first visit every year.What bull.Hope you get the answer to youyr sleepiness and fatigue.
Comment on Country Girl, Sort Of - Dec 26, 2010 1:47 PM ()
Oh oh--if a recipe is over a paragraph long, it's too long for me, haha, not to mention the word yeast and punching down and allowing to rise again etc etc.
PS you probably already know by now a dough hook looks like an upside down question mark, and is used to manipulate the dough in a mixing bowl.
Comment on Sticky Pecan Buns for Christmas Breakfast - Dec 26, 2010 1:42 PM ()
I read in the paper that dogs have been trained to sniff out all kinds of diseases (even melanomas) in humans, and their sniff diagnosis is more accurate than lab tests!
PS Sunshine's mother brought me a tin of Christmas candies that are so good I have to force myself to eat only two or three pieces a day.
Comment on Dogs That Are Too Smart and Other Stuffi - Dec 26, 2010 1:23 PM ()

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