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Hindsight Is 20/20

Entertainment > Humor > You Can't Trust Google or Any of the Rest!

You Can't Trust Google or Any of the Rest!

Warning:  There's "something wrong with Google."  It has an office in Cairo!!  Glenn Beck recently announced Google's role in Egypt signifies "something is wrong" with it, and that he doesn't trust it enough to use its products anymore.
Not that it really matters, because Mr. Beck has also already warned us that the overthrow of Mubarek was the first sign of the impending resurrection. 
I don't know what the heck he's referring to; but, then most of what he says is paranoid gibberish to me.  Anyway, here's the link if you want to read what he said when he was on the Bill O'Reilly show.
I have to say that O'Reilly comes off as downright sane in the interview compared to Beck. 
Since Beck can't trust Google, we figure it's just a matter of time before he swears off the rest of the "information highway."

 You Go Glenn!!  Tell It Like It Isn't!  It's What You Do Best!!! 


posted on Feb 21, 2011 1:35 PM ()


Glenn Beck is an idiot with a big mouth. Period.
comment by susil on Mar 14, 2011 2:15 PM ()
There is no doubt in my mind that Beck is so far out there because it draws viewers. The further off the ledge he climbs, the more the radical right-wingers hang on his words. What is really scary is how many people believe everything he says!
comment by dragonflyby on Mar 8, 2011 5:55 AM ()
They're will always be people like this preying on the fears of a segment of the population that are gullible enough to believe in what they are saying. A look at history shows us that they are like shooting stars, burn brightly and then fade and fall to earth. These people tell us "hey you don't need to think for yourselves, we got you covered". Well no thanks, I may not have a college education but I do know when someone is handing me a bag of crap.
comment by redwolftimes on Feb 23, 2011 8:22 PM ()
I really think if you put Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin in a
sack and shook them up you wouldn't come out with one sane person.
comment by elderjane on Feb 23, 2011 5:52 AM ()
well I was surfing google and looking for some information on a broadeay show and for some reason guess I hit the right one.Right virus the trojan horse send me a virus.Now I have doubt or being careful what I search.
My computer was down by this annoying virus.
I was looking up the musical West Side Story and then it happened.
Cost me 81 dollars to get it fixed.So you have to be careful what you google.I know that this person is.Too many virus out there.
comment by fredo on Feb 22, 2011 2:06 PM ()
comment by marta on Feb 21, 2011 6:17 PM ()
And paranoid!!
reply by timetraveler on Feb 22, 2011 11:04 AM ()
The guy is a perfect moron. How anyone can take him seriously, other than his analyst, is beyond belief.
comment by jondude on Feb 21, 2011 2:27 PM ()
You would not believe how many do. I actually had a woman tell me on Blogster, and she was totally serious, that if she and her husband didn't have Beck to tell them what was REALLY happening, that they would have no idea what to believe. These people need help as badly as he does.
reply by redimpala on Feb 21, 2011 3:40 PM ()

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