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News From Mississippi

News From Mississippi > Susil's Comments

Susil's Comments

Why isn't this amazing product sold in stores? I have several things I'd to try it on. My daughter spilled baby oil on the hall carpet, and I can tell you I have scrubbed that spot with every product on earth over and over, but it's like Lady McBeth's dam*ed spot--it just won't go away.
Comment on Helpful Hint - July 16, 2011 8:24 AM ()
I've always been the palm reader at soirees--used to be pretty good at it.But I am leery of having my own palm read. I don't want to know what's in my future.
Comment on Fortune Tellers - July 16, 2011 8:20 AM ()
She most likely had a stroke and couldn't control the car. BUT-- if she wanted to commit suicide, what a way to go!
I've often thought if I wanted to suicide, I'd gun the engine and drive off into a pretty lake near here--then recently heard that alligators are infesting that lake--oops--don't wannna get eaten by those beasts.
Comment on Speed Thrills - July 16, 2011 8:15 AM ()
Sometimes when I'm trying to sleep, friends and old acquaintances come to mind and I wonder what happened to them, how they are, etc.
I suppose I could find most of them on Facebook, but I'm not on Facebook.
Comment on No Point in This Dream - July 16, 2011 8:06 AM ()
Thinking of you.
Comment on Sad Times - July 16, 2011 8:01 AM ()
I am aghast that people like Bachman and Palin have deluded fools out there in the voting public who support them. WHAT has this country come to??
Comment on Iowa Doesn't Speak for Me - July 16, 2011 7:56 AM ()
My spams consists of GET VIAGRA HALF PRICE, HORNY MARRIED WOMEN LOOKING FOR YOU, PLEASE HER ALL NIGHT WITH (such and such a product.) For some reason the spammers think I'm a guy so this is the junk sent to me.
Comment on The Not Dating Game - July 16, 2011 7:51 AM ()
Hi fredo; Bless your heart; sounds like you have a lot of sense.
On one of the news shows Weiner admitted he had dong wrong and hurt a lot of people; but he's addicted to this sexual activity and I doubt he's gonna stop easily.
And it showed him with his wife who is absolutely beautiful, but Weiner looks cadaverous and has a really long nose, not attractive at all.
Comment on No Weiner--show Me the Buns - June 9, 2011 3:29 PM ()
Hi red; Nothing will be done--nobody wants to shake the tree for fear of what may fall out--so to speak.
Comment on The High Cost of Dying - June 6, 2011 10:03 AM ()
Don't know who they are--I can only keep up with the British royals and the sturm and drang of their lives right now!
Comment on The Future is Now ... .Almost - June 5, 2011 8:55 AM ()
I hope Pippa and Harry get together and get married--what a pair they'd make. I think they're ideal for each other--both party animals, but I bet Pippa would make him walk the straight and narrow.
Comment on Viral Pictures Surface of Pippa & James Middleton - June 5, 2011 8:51 AM ()
Steven Hawking said the universe started with the Big Bang. So I asked a physicist who teaches at the University, where did the matter come from to make up the material for the Big Bang and he said he didn't know and don't worry about it.!
Comment on This, Also That - May 1, 2011 12:47 PM ()
A quote I like from the Tom Hanks movie Castaway
"Tomorrow the sun will rise, and who knows what the tide may bring.."
Comment on Looking Forward - May 1, 2011 12:42 PM ()
I was thinking the bike shop guy would've bought your old bike and gave you a discount on the yellow one.
Comment on Keeping up Routines - May 1, 2011 12:26 PM ()
Hi teal; Who was it that said "You can't go home again," maybe because in some way you will have changed or the place will have changed, but for you it seems NYC is the eternal city.
Comment on Houses and Choices - Apr 11, 2011 9:48 AM ()

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