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Arts & Culture > On the Beach

On the Beach

Movie based on the novel by Nevil Shute, screen play by Alfred Hitchcock. (One of my favorite movies.) Black and white, 1959, starring Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, Anthony Perkins, and Fred Astaire in a fine dramatic performance. And haunting background music of "Waltzing Matilda."

I'm watching it now on Turner Classic Movie channel.
Radiation from nuclear weapons has killed off human beings all over the earth; Australia being the last place where humanity survives and await the end. They are the last people on earth.
An American submarine captain (Peck) and his crew are in Australia and hear an erratic Morse code tapping coming from the California coast. The go off to find the source of the tapping. A crewmember suits up in radiation gear and leaves the sub and goes ashore.

After all the searching and curiosity, they go to a refinery where he finds the source to be the neck of a coke bottle inside the ring of a window shade--breezes move the shade and the bottle is tapping against the keys. One crewmember from San Francisco deserts the sub, and swims ashore knowing he can only survive the radiation for a week at most, but this is his hometown and he prefers to die there.

The sub goes back to Australia, where Peck has met Ava Gardner, and they fall in love. He tells her about his wife and the two daughters he had. Fred Astaire is a scientist who races a sports car in his last days. When the time comes, Astaire chooses his end by going into his closed garage, getting in his beloved car, and turing on the engine. Anthony Perkins, a Navy man, obtains suicide pills for himself, his wife and little daughter. Their final scene is so tender. Families are lining up to obtain the suicide pills.

Peck and Ava go to a fishing resort which is soon full of people with their families coming for a last fishing trip. In a thunderstorm during the night, a basso voice from the boisterous group sings Waltzing Matilda in a mournful dirge that is so melancholy, I cry every time.

Peck asks his crew of submariners what they want to do as the end comes. They want to go home to the USA. Peck says goodbye to Ava and declares his love for her, and the sub departs as she watches from shore. A preacher has had crowds every day in the square. He railed "What madness has driven man to destroy himself?"--overhead is a banner reading "THERE IS STILL TIME--BROTHER." The movie ends with the square empty and the banner still fluttering in the wind.

The only detraction about this movie is the black and white film in some parts is so faded out and blurry. It's a shame no one has restored it yet.


posted on Feb 8, 2011 3:10 PM ()


I find those old movies so interesting because we have the opportunity to put ourselves into the mindset of the audience going to the theater to watch the big stars on the big screen.
comment by troutbend on Feb 9, 2011 3:40 PM ()
I'd watch Gregory Peck read a phone book! So handsome, and that wonderful voice to boot.
reply by susil on Feb 14, 2011 12:28 PM ()
I don't do depressing.
comment by elderjane on Feb 9, 2011 7:47 AM ()
Of course, this movie was meant to scare the bejeebers out of us (or so it sounds). End of the world and all. I don't recall ever seeing it. I think I'd remember.
comment by solitaire on Feb 9, 2011 6:52 AM ()
I've not seen this film, and reading your synopsis, dear Sue, it's too dark and morose for me.
comment by marta on Feb 8, 2011 6:36 PM ()
Hi teal; That's why I avoid overdosing on the news lately--all I want is ups!!
I don't know why but this melancholy movie gets to me. Melancholy by nature I suppose.
comment by susil on Feb 8, 2011 4:10 PM ()
Another one where everyone dies at the end? That's one sci-fi flick I won't be watching.
comment by nittineedles on Feb 8, 2011 3:36 PM ()
But nittin; everybody dies at the end.
reply by susil on Feb 8, 2011 4:02 PM ()
This was an excellent movie.Though it had been a long time in seeing this.
Think that this was one of the last movie or so that Fred Astaire played.
Yes,it is a shamed that they did not restored this.But then again check netflix or Amazon to see if they update this.Sometime they do.
The one on the movie channel could be the very original one.
comment by fredo on Feb 8, 2011 3:34 PM ()
Hi fredo; It was Astaire's last movie and it's a shame he didn't more dramatic roles in his career--he was good.
I did notice that some parts of this movie were in much better shape than others--the opening scenes were pretty clear and crisp, so I reckon Turner Classic Movies got the best copy they could find.
reply by susil on Feb 8, 2011 4:06 PM ()
I was 28 in 1959. So young, so full of life, so cheerful and optimistic. I wanted to stay that way. I avoided this movie. As Lucy (Peanuts) has often said "I want ups. All I want is ups!!!!" And why couldn't the Gardner character go with Peck at the end? Unnecessary angst does not move me. But it seems to speak to you. I'm not strong enough to hear this message.
comment by tealstar on Feb 8, 2011 3:23 PM ()
Hi teal, your reply way above--you wanted ups right, LOL!
reply by susil on Feb 8, 2011 4:11 PM ()

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