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Entertainment > Music > What a Side Show--the Outrageous Grammys!

What a Side Show--the Outrageous Grammys!


I actually watched the Grammy's Sunday night, which is probably a first for me.  There were, however, two or three acts I actually wanted to see and hear!

Let me just say that Lady Gaga, who arrived encased in an egg, was NOT one of them.  Her outrageous costumes, her ugly wigs, and her retro sunglasses all distract from her great voice and her considerable skills on the piano, for which she is classically trained. 

If she ever awakens to the fact that she does not need all this, she might actually become a serious entertainer.  Right now, she is just a side show freak. 


Then, there was Kate Perry who wore her angel wings on the red carpet.  Kate's had a big year.....but not THAT BIG!


Of course the rappers all came dressed in their ghetto best, with the exception of this guy, who rapped while Gwyneth Paltrow sang.  Seems Gwyn now thinks she's a singer after her last country western movie in which she warbles all the songs.  Stick to acting, girl.  You're better at it!


Rapper Nickki-Minaj showed up in this demure number!  I have to tell you, Barnum and Bailey has NOTHING on the Grammy's when it comes to costuming!

 These youngsters need to take a lesson or two from a couple of legends who also performed....Jagger and Streisand.  True talent doesn't need all the paraphernalia.

And WHAT was Kim Kardashian doing THERE?  She can't sing nor act!  I'm so sick of this party girl showing up everywhere underdressed and over tanned.  She and Paris Hilton need to find work.  They have WAY too much free time on their hands.


Believe it or not, at least a few women, among them Melissa Lambert, Nicole Kidman and Selena Gomez, actually figured out that a glam event dictates a glam dress.  Bless them for saving the evening.

 My personal favorite, though, had to be Jewel and her cowboy husband, Ty Murray, both glowing over the news that they are expecting their first child,  She was stunning in her yellow off-the-shoulder gown. 

posted on Feb 15, 2011 11:38 AM ()


I heard Lady Gaga was a man in drag.
Paltrow can't sing, bless her heart.
What's not to like about all the award shows, tho? I like to see the fashions and all the outrageousness!
comment by susil on Mar 14, 2011 2:20 PM ()
Every time I flipped over to the Grammys to see what was happening, I got physically ill at the "music". Unfortunately, I missed Barbra.
comment by solitaire on Feb 17, 2011 6:52 AM ()
Barbra was her usual magnificant self, although visibly nervous. I read somewhere that she hates to perform live, because she has suffered all her life from stage fright.
reply by timetraveler on Feb 17, 2011 8:08 AM ()
Ted and I were so disappointed in Adrienne's valentine dance dress that
this pales in comparison.
comment by elderjane on Feb 17, 2011 4:23 AM ()
It must have been bad if the Grammy's costumes paled in comparison.
reply by timetraveler on Feb 17, 2011 8:09 AM ()
These award programs are too over-hyped for me. I saw some highlights, and Jagger and Streisand were standouts for sure.
comment by marta on Feb 15, 2011 3:00 PM ()
The over-the-top costumes of some of these people just blew my mind.
reply by redimpala on Feb 15, 2011 8:24 PM ()

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