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News From Mississippi

News & Issues > Hussey's, Floozies and Hootchie Mama's

Hussey's, Floozies and Hootchie Mama's

When I was at Walgreen's waiting for the flu shot, I saw a display of tabloids and a rack of People magazines, and helped myself to one to look at one while I waited. Who was on the cover of People magazinein a bikini? Kate Gosselin. Gag, retch, and phew.

What is her claim to "fame?" She has eight children, twins, followed by sextuplets. She and her husband Jon had a reality show with the kids, then got divorced. I hope he beat the hell out of her before he left her. She is the most annoying, media obsessed person I have ever seen or heard of. She treated Jon like dirt and talked to him like he was a peon, a servant, and she was Queen Kate.

So they got divorced and he sued TLC to make them stop filming his kids. Kate freely admits the money she gets from TLC pays her bills, so she sued to allow TLC to keep filming her and the kids. The kids be damned is her attitude--it's the Kate show and she loves loves being the center of attention. She is disgusting. She's had a breast enlargements and other cosmetic procedures and acts like a hootchie mama. She won't let go of her 15 minutes of fame--now in a bikini on People, next thing you know she'll be in Playboy. She showed up at the Emmy's--without an invitation

When it turned out her part Korean oriental looking kids (husband Jon is half Korean) weren't math geniuses or musical savants, just ordinary nappy headed kids, she lost interest in them and stays on the road doing this and that. Anything to keep from staying home and raising those poor kids.

Then on my venerable NPR, NPR mind you--I heard them reporting about Paris Hilton getting arrested again for drug possession, and Lindsay Lohan back to jail for drug charges--again. Who gives a sh*t about these two airheads who are famous for being druggies and nothing else? I'm sick and tired of breathless news about hussey's, floozies, and hootchie mama's.


posted on Sept 27, 2010 10:25 PM ()


Didn't watch Palin's daughter in whatever (don't even know what it was). But it's just like Palin to step in and hog the attention.
comment by tealstar on Oct 1, 2010 1:45 PM ()
(Palin's daughter is a contestant on Dancing With The Stars.)
reply by susil on Oct 3, 2010 7:13 AM ()
Beating the crap out of her isn't politically correct these days, but hey, it sounds like she needed it! Great post! BTW, what do you think of Sarah sitting in the front row of that other show stealing the spotlight from her (talented?) daughter? Or was she there to get the kid some sympathy votes?
comment by jjoohhnn on Sept 28, 2010 9:35 AM ()
Palin is another media hog--yep, she was there to steal the spotlight from her daughter and, probably, to get the girl some sympathy votes (and herself some votes down the line, too.)
reply by susil on Oct 1, 2010 10:10 AM ()
I agree. The other day I wished that Ms. Lohan would just OD and die, put us all out of her misery. Horrible of me, but there it is.
comment by troutbend on Sept 28, 2010 9:05 AM ()
Horrible of me, but I agree with you. Who is that floozie? Some D-list actress I've never seen in a movie, never heard of except for drug overdoses etc.
reply by susil on Oct 1, 2010 10:12 AM ()
What do you (we) expect? None of the celeb biotches surprise me anymore. And who the hell is this Justin Bieber kid? I want my release from this TV prison. Bring back sanity (and NYPD BLUE with Jimmy Smits) - damn it!
comment by jondude on Sept 28, 2010 7:16 AM ()
I loved NYPD Blue but they really blew it when they killed the Smits character agonizingly over an entire season Then they replaced him with a kid who should have been playing the lead in "Leave It To Beaver."
reply by tealstar on Oct 1, 2010 1:41 PM ()
jon I was looking at a magazine rack with five shelves of mags on it, and this Bieber kid was on every cover, no kidding. I opened one mag up to see who he was--turns out he's some teeny bopper singer who combs his hair down around his face.
PS I hear Jimmy Smits has a new TV series on and it's gotten terrific reviews. Can't recall the name of it just now.
reply by susil on Oct 1, 2010 10:16 AM ()
I'm with you Sue. Mindless celebrities get the spotlight because airheads are interested and we have more of those than we have of anyone else. It's time to stick more pins into my celebrity pin cushion.
comment by tealstar on Sept 28, 2010 5:58 AM ()
teal I was astonished to hear Sid Salter, a political commentator for Mississippi Public Broadcasting start off his show with news about Lindsay Lohan. With all the things he could talk about, that's how he started off.
Stick those pins in your pincushion; you might run out of room!
reply by susil on Oct 1, 2010 10:20 AM ()
and the media thinks this cr@p is news AND that we're interested in it.
comment by nittineedles on Sept 28, 2010 12:22 AM ()
The media is playing to teens. They think that's where the buying power is.
reply by tealstar on Oct 1, 2010 1:44 PM ()
This past week, I've been limiting radio and TV news coverage and don't think I've missed much. Maybe this celebrity druggie stuff will wear off after a while.
reply by susil on Oct 1, 2010 10:23 AM ()

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