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News From Mississippi

Life & Events > The Flu Shot Blues

The Flu Shot Blues

Last year I got my flu shot at Walgreen's, so this year they sent a notice with some of the paperwork already filled out, letting me know it was flu shot time again.

I'm leery of getting the flu from a flu shot, though you will be told you can't get it that way--but years ago I did. So being prepared, I loaded up the inside and outside frige with gallons of water, cases of water, soft drinks, soups, canned fruits and edibles I wouldn't have to cook, should the shot make me ill.

So I get to Walgreen's and I ask the woman giving the shots if it is a live vaccine--I don't want a live vaccine, just the old attenuated one. All she said was this year's flu shot included the H1N1 vaccine. I also asked for the Pneumovax shot--it's been years since I got one.

Flu shot went into one arm, Pneumovax into the other. I hung aroung to shop for a while, in case I had a reaction. Bought grandbaby a Mississippi Tee shirt, dawdled and left. Yesterday evening my arms got sore and achy and I couldn't believe it--I started running a fever. By midnight I was hot as a poker and took some Tylenol. Then I read the cautions on the materials given to me at Walgreen's, and it's scary all the side effects and problems the flu shots could cause.

By nine this morning I was feeling okay and the fever's gone, so I hope that's the end of that. I might not have gotten vaccinated this year, but a writer for the paper wrote an article about how his wife got the flu, it made the rounds of their friends, then he got it, and he had never been sicker in his life and is only now getting over it. So maybe it's a good thing to go ahead and get the flu shot yourself--just stock up on fluids and cold remedies--just in case.


posted on Sept 26, 2010 8:43 AM ()


It sometimes makes me sick but it doesn't last long and it is worth it.
comment by elderjane on Sept 29, 2010 6:23 PM ()
My mom when she was in her 80s used to get a flu shot every year and every year she got sick, really sick. So she stopped the shot and never had a problem after that. She died at 92. I get colds rarely these days. They were more common when I lived in New York. Usually, a good night's sleep with a heating pad fixes me up. I don't plan to get a flu shot. I don't like what they mix with it.
comment by tealstar on Sept 26, 2010 1:42 PM ()
Ever since that first time flu shot made me sick, I didn't take another until about four year ago, and it's never made me ill since. Fingers crossed it'll work this year.
reply by susil on Sept 27, 2010 9:27 PM ()
I got it before and I'll get it again. I don't have the time or patience to lay around sick.
comment by jjoohhnn on Sept 26, 2010 12:00 PM ()
Good for you; hope you stay well this winter.
reply by susil on Sept 27, 2010 9:29 PM ()
I've been thinking about it, maybe you've talked me into it. Lat year in Nevada there were near-riots over the scarce H1N1 vaccine. This year all we hear is there is plenty for all.
comment by troutbend on Sept 26, 2010 10:00 AM ()
I don't know why Walgreen's gets the flu vaccines in before the doctor's offices or even the health dept. But anyway got it over with. I dodged the bullet for years until one year I caught the flu from somebody and got sick as a dog, after that about four years ago, I get vaccinated every year.
reply by susil on Sept 27, 2010 9:35 PM ()

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