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Parenting & Family > Pets > Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

My daughter phoned me crying--her beloved schnauzer died. The dog was old but still active--he loved playing around in the yard. His nickname was "Boy."
He was devoted to my daughter, and she wrote on her Facebook page about him, and posed the question "Do dogs go to heaven?" She is religious and believes in the heavenly afterlife.

Some people scoffed and scorned NO. To comfort her I said of course, the things you love will meet you in heaven. Why not? I imagine the innocent spirit of a dog would be more welcome in heaven than some of the evangelistic TV preachers who hawk for money to keep them in Armani suits.

My daughter has grieved and cried and is coming to terms with her loss. Her husband nd daughter loved Boy too, but he was her dog first and foremost.

Do you think dogs go to heaven?


posted on Nov 20, 2011 9:30 AM ()


Pets get so close to us that it is hard to live without them. My big blonde dog sleeps with us every night and we missed him terribly. I do not believe
in heaven or hell but oblivion is not bad...I would think rather like sleep
or general anesthesia.
comment by elderjane on Nov 26, 2011 7:13 AM ()
Hi jeri; Oblivion is a good word for it--I like that.
reply by susil on Nov 28, 2011 7:31 AM ()
You don't need to read what I think. But I say "twitchy" (my family saying for "to each" his own). No harm, no foul.
comment by solitaire on Nov 23, 2011 6:09 AM ()
Hi sol; I'll have to remember that-twitchy!
reply by susil on Nov 28, 2011 7:32 AM ()
Heaven is in your heart. We may never know the rest and if it's like going under general anesthesia, one minute hi doc, the next minute oblivion, then we'll never know.
comment by tealstar on Nov 20, 2011 4:50 PM ()
Hi teal; supposedly the concept of heaven and hell were invented by Middle Age religious thinkers to keep the peons in line and bend them to do what they said.
As you say, you're here one minute and gone the next and no one has ever
come back to tell about it.
reply by susil on Nov 22, 2011 11:07 AM ()
I don't believe in such things, although there probably is some form of "universal consciousness" that everything returns to. It's also why I speak so much about the present. Grief is in the past, but if each moment is lived to the fullest, there is no need to return there. But if I did believe in such things as a continuation of thought/feeling after death, I would certainly believe that everything of value will also continue. As an aside, tho, Troutbend's comment does emphasize the problems with the belief. What of the accident victim who no longer has human experience due to traumatic brain injury? Is his memory magically returned to a point before the accident? Does a five-year-old get the opportunity to mature in some sort of energy field (or whatever one chooses to call heaven)? Oh well, to each his own...
comment by jjoohhnn on Nov 20, 2011 3:17 PM ()
Hi jj; I imagine everyone has an opinion about it, and in most part I agree with you. As a nurse, I held dying patient's hands as they took their last breath, and you can sense the life force, the anima I think Jung called it, leave the body. You do have the sense that something must continue on somehow. I told my daughter I think all living things, when their spirit or soul or whatever you deem to call it, exits the bodily husk, it returns to a sort of melding pot, both the good and the bad, and when a life spark comes into being, a ladle of the brew is poured in.
That's why we all have good and bad sides to our nature. I'm explaining it clumsily, but you get it.
reply by susil on Nov 22, 2011 11:17 AM ()
Of course. All living creatures do. We meet one another again at the Rainbow Bridge.
comment by hobbie on Nov 20, 2011 2:50 PM ()
What a lovely idea, hobbie!
reply by susil on Nov 22, 2011 11:18 AM ()
I believe in the rainbow bridge where your deceased pets are waiting for you..........I hope to see my deceased pets there.The ones that have passed were cremated and the ashes will be buried with me.
comment by dogsalot on Nov 20, 2011 11:56 AM ()
Hi dogsalot; I never heard of the rainbow bridge before, but I will have to tell my daughter about it!
reply by susil on Nov 22, 2011 11:21 AM ()
I think they do, but I worry about what if someone who just loves and adores you is counting on seeing you in heaven, and you never had much use for that person/dog/etc and when they left this earth you were looking forward to never seeing them again.

And how does heaven handle former spouses?
comment by troutbend on Nov 20, 2011 11:09 AM ()
I never thought of that--what a hoot; someone gleefully waiting for you that yoou hoped never to see again!
And former spouses?
reply by susil on Nov 22, 2011 11:22 AM ()

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