Been essentially housebound because of the heat. Now getting from the cool house, out to the air conditioned car, isn't a problem. But getting out of the car and getting into anywhere else is too hot--I don't like sweat dripping down behind my ears just from the exertion of getting into a store.
This morning Davido the yard man came early to cut the grass. He and his wife just got back from Hot Springs Arkansas and visited a spa where they took in the mineral waters of the springs. He said they were told it takes 4,000 years for rainwater--groundwater--to seep through the ground and percolate down through limestone and layers of rock formations etc. and get to the volcanic heat that send the mineralized water back up to the surface of the earth into hot springs.
I'm itching to go there--to go anywhere--I've got cabin fever--but it's just too hot to consider it.
Stay cool, y'all, and drink plenty of fluids, y'hear?