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News From Mississippi

News & Issues > Bobby Jindal

Bobby Jindal

There was a clip on CNN showing Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal commenting that he doesn't approve of the moratorium on offshore oil drilling. He knows that oil is the life blood for Louisiana economy, and the moratorium will cripple his state. It's too bad he cannot express himself more effectively on camera; Jindal comes across on television as being weak and goofy.

That is far from the case. Jindal is a genius, born June 10, 1971, his full name is Piyush Amrit Jindal, "Bobby" is a nickname. Both his parents were very intelligent also, and taught at an engineering college in Punjab India before emigrating to the US. He was raised in a Hindu household, but converted to Roman Catholic. Among other degrees, he has a degree in biology and was a Rhodes scholar.

Jindal's brother Nikesh is a laywer in Washington D.C. His wife Supriya has a BS and MBA in chemical engineering. Everyone in his family has a superior intellect, that is clear.

Jindal is a Republican, and at 36, was the youngest elected governor. He is also the first elected non-white governor in the country.
He has all these smarts and ambition, yet still somehow lacks some unndefinable charisma and personality that clicks on camera; and isn't taken seriously in the media. The oil mess is his Waterloo; if he comes across as ineffective in his response, he most likely won't get re-elected, which is too bad, because he is one smart guy. Good luck, Bobby Jindal.

(Thanks to media reports and Wikipedia for background info.)


posted on July 17, 2010 7:15 AM ()


I am not making fun of him.Knowing anything about him.
Not knocking him down why would I do this?
comment by fredo on July 18, 2010 4:00 PM ()
I know you wouldn't fredo, tender heart!
reply by susil on July 19, 2010 5:29 PM ()
Sorry,I do not know who he is.Does he do any tricks.
comment by fredo on July 17, 2010 1:14 PM ()
Ohhh fredo; he's the governor of Louisiana, and been in the news off and on since the oil mess. I hate to see and hear media people poke fun at him because he's a brilliant guy.
reply by susil on July 18, 2010 11:16 AM ()
One has to be an effective speaker to last in politics these days. Maybe Bobby needs to take a course in public speaking.
comment by redimpala on July 17, 2010 11:57 AM ()
red, right again--Jindal desperately needs a PR team and public speaking help--hope he does soon.
reply by susil on July 18, 2010 11:13 AM ()
Dale Carnegie course, perhaps. Maybe he needs a good PR man too.
reply by redimpala on July 17, 2010 6:51 PM ()
Aha! You are right-he needs a remake by a life coach (or someone like that)to improve his image.
reply by susil on July 17, 2010 12:40 PM ()
Honesty and integrity might get you elected but not re-elected. Anyone with those two qualities find out quickly they don't fit in the Washington mold and refuse to run again. That's why liars and crooks get re-elected...they know how to use the system to help themselves and to hell with Joe Doe "his employer".
comment by gapeach on July 17, 2010 9:56 AM ()
peach, you are so right, you said that so well. And not only is it tough for good guys to get elected and stay elected without getting corrupted, poor Bobby Jindal happens to be in the historically most corrupt state in the US.
reply by susil on July 17, 2010 12:44 PM ()
I am so tired of sleazy politicians.
comment by elderjane on July 17, 2010 8:30 AM ()
Hi jeri; don't think it's gonna get any better?
reply by susil on July 17, 2010 12:46 PM ()
I'm rooting for him, too, and I admire the Louisianians (or is it Losians?) for electing him. I guess they were fed up with governor politics as usual.

Our current Republican candidate for governor is controversial because he plagiarized some white papers on water rights (huge complex issue) several years ago, but worse than that, he got paid $300,000 for writing them. The original work was written by a state supreme court judge. The candidate is blaming a researcher for providing him with the information/quotes, and the researcher says he didn't think the guy was going to try to pass it off as his own.
comment by troutbend on July 17, 2010 8:02 AM ()
(It's Louisianians.)
The situation you describe is exactly what is so annoying about political candidates--they'll stoop to do anything to get elected--lie cheat steal--brazenly it seems. Can you believe that guy thought he'd get away with it? Jeez! Bobby Jindal isn't that type of person--he's smart enough he would have written those white papers himself, and I believe he has itegrity and honesty. Maybe that's what's holding him back--he's not like all the other sleaze balls in politics.
reply by susil on July 17, 2010 8:18 AM ()

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