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News From Mississippi

Life & Events > Concussed


One evening a couple of days ago I was in my office going through the mail and stuff, and sitting in my office chair and leaned over--way too far over-- to reach something, and the chair tipped over and dumped me BLAM on the floor! I fell on my left hip again--and bonked my head hard on the edge of the oak desk. I saw stars, and a hair clip that was at the impact site on my head shattered into little bits and pieces. I jammed my left elbow and scratched my nose in the incident.

I had a series of falls last year, hitting my head hard each time. How many concussions can a person have without permanent impairment? I don't want to wind up like Muhammed Ali, drooling on myself, you know?

This fall produced a symptom I never had with the other bonks on the head. I got a headache. As a nurse, I thought about a closed head injury.
Last year, actor Liam Neeson's wife Natasha (part of the Redgrave acting family) hit her head on the ski slopes and refused medical treatment, saying she was okay. Then hours later she developed a headache and died from a closed head injury; bleeding into the brain.
So I was thinking I needed to stay up that night and check my pupils for uneven dilation, and stay awake--I didn't want to go coma in my sleep.

I stayed awake till 3am, and just couldn't stay awake any longer so I went to bed hoping I'd wake up. But I was thinking the silliest thing. The last thing I had eaten before the fall was some meatballs I had simmered in Prego. They didn't taste right; they were missing some ingredient I couldn't finger.
So I went to sleep hoping my last meal wasn't those inferior meatballs! No, I want to choose a better last meal than that. But that's the roll of the dice in life, you never know when that last cup of coffee--or a blah meatball-- will be your last.


posted on Jan 18, 2012 4:30 PM ()


Good to know you woke up and are still with us! How long did you have a headache? I hear brain bleed headaches are really disabling, very painful, but that head crash had to be alarming. Glad you didn't seriously hurt yourself. I have tipped myself over in my office chair, too. What a surprise that was! I, too, felt like a dope.
comment by marta on Jan 22, 2012 2:08 PM ()
Living alone in the country, you should probably be wearing a monitor to get help if you couldn't get up.
comment by redimpala on Jan 19, 2012 1:38 PM ()
Hi red; I checked into that, and the way it works is the company wants the names and numbers of two close neighbors that they would call first to go check on you. Baloney on that. If I wanted my neighbor's in my business, I'd do it myself.
I'm looking for a company that when you push that help button, they'd send an ambulance. In any case, it's very hard to get help in the boondocks.
reply by susil on Jan 19, 2012 2:02 PM ()
Do I need to say you have to be more careful there.
comment by fredo on Jan 19, 2012 9:49 AM ()
Hi fredo; It was my fault entirely-- those roller wheels on the office chair tipped me over because I was leaning waaaay too far over. Dummy me!
reply by susil on Jan 19, 2012 2:06 PM ()
High school football has generated research into concussion and rules are now in place in most schools prohibiting players from going back in the game under certain circumstances. Same with road-side bombs... many returning soldiers had brain trauma that didn't become apparent right away. Head injury is nothing to mess with. I posted about having a similar thought to the "last meal"--putting the Christmas stuff away knowing that one of these times will be my last. One of our younger blogging colleagues that that it was rather "odd" to have a though like that, but age does change the thinking process. I don't do it intentionally for that reason, but I do prefer to eat a fulfilling dinner every evening.... kind of like the dogs, I's the high-point of the day (pathetic?, maybe).
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 19, 2012 9:34 AM ()
Hi jj; I don't think it's "odd" to have thoughts like that. Unless you and I are the only two oddities around!

Yep, if you don't know when your last meal will be your last, better enjoy every one! That's not pathetic--a good meal is the high point of my day too.
reply by susil on Jan 19, 2012 2:17 PM ()
Wow. Have you seen a physician?
comment by jondude on Jan 18, 2012 9:19 PM ()
Hi dude; Well of course not--I'm too hard stubborn and "hard headed" for that!
reply by susil on Jan 19, 2012 2:21 PM ()
Guess I was just lucky that time I threw a rock up into the air. Figuring there was no way I had tossed it straight up I thought I'd be safe if I didn't move. That rock gave me a massive headache and I was too embarrassed to tell a soul what I'd done......'til now.
comment by nittineedles on Jan 18, 2012 6:53 PM ()
Oh nittin;Forgive me, so sorry but that struck me as funny!
I'm just glad that rock didn't brain ya!
reply by susil on Jan 19, 2012 2:24 PM ()
Lucky you didn't have bits of hair clip stuck in your head. Next time I plan to do something risky, roof repairs, or electrical, I'm going to eat a lovely meal first. Take care, Sue.
comment by troutbend on Jan 18, 2012 5:10 PM ()
Hi; I combed and examined my head several times to get all the bits and pieces out. And ever since that incident, I've been aware, like yourself, that maybe a nice meal first is the way to go!
reply by susil on Jan 18, 2012 5:25 PM ()

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