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News From Mississippi

Life & Events > Mississippi Hash Up

Mississippi Hash Up

You might have heard that our newly ex-governor, Haley (You In A Heap O Trouble Boy) Barbour pulled a fast one on his last day in office. He pardoned, commuted and otherwise let loose 200 cons and criminals, including a rich socialite who was driving drunk and in a head on crash, killed two doctors by driving the wrong way into them.
He also cleared Brett Farve's brother who was driving drunk and killed his best friend in the passenger seat.

He also pardoned murderers who were trusty's at the governor's mansion. It's been a long time tradition for Mississippi governors to use murderers as help in the mansion. These murders were horrendous-one con had driven up to his ex wife and shot her in the face.
Who died and made Haley Barbour KING! What gall to feel like he had the right to over rule juries, prosecuters and parole boards and blithely commute sentences?

He finally made a comment after being pressed-first, he said it was the NEW governor's say now. In other words he made a mess and dumped it into the next governor's lap. And he said about the murderers "I felt so confident and safe with those guys around I let my grandchildren play on the sidewalks while those men were working there." One of the family members of a murder victim said "Sounds like DPS should have been called to report him for putting those kids in danger."
I always knew the gumbo voiced bastard was fakey, now his former supporters seem surprised by their darling's actions.

Well, I read in AARP magazine that first class stamps will go up from 44 to 45 cents January 22nd. I bought a roll of the Forever stamps which supposedly are impervious to future raises. You think?

Last night Tlaloc, the Rain God paid us a visit--the sky turned black, it rained buckets, the wind blew hard and rattled the roof, and my Direct TV signal went off until 11pm. The temp dropped from the 70's down to the 40's.
I don't know what's going on--this is the kind of weather we get in springtime, not in mid January. Odd.
Today it was gorgeous out. My cousin and I went to eat lunch at the Sweet Magnolis restaurant in Richton, where liver and onions were featured. The tenderest liver imaginable, with delicious brown onion gravy--who doesn't like that?
The owner was on the phone and started crying. Five boys had signed out of class from the local high school to go deer hunting--this is the last day of hunting with dogs. Speeding away, they crashed, killing three outright. The fate of the othe two is uncertain.

Just a few days ago , a woman allegedly texting and driving on the road into Richton ran head on into a couple and their little girl. The texter died, and the couple died at the scene, the child died today after suffering terrible injuries.
If the Great Spirit had asked if anyone would give their life and let the child live, I would have volunteered. I've lived my time and am no use to anyone--who knows what future that little girl might have if she'd had the chance?
Please don't text and drive! There's enough impaired and distracted drivers on the road without adding phone and texting into the mix.


posted on Jan 18, 2012 3:39 PM ()


Talk about having an almighty God complex, Haley Barbour is it, as in "I'm always right, and no one's opinion matters but mine." And I'm so glad he made this infuriating move. His colossal ego blew up in his face and his political capital is toast. What a jerk. Don't suppose the GOP presidential candidates are lining up for his endorsement, or returning his phone calls begging for a job in Washington, D.C.
comment by marta on Jan 22, 2012 1:57 PM ()
I think I should stock up on Forever stamps at the current price. I never heard of Talaloc. Great name for a cat.

Texting and driving and applying make-up and all the other stupid things drivers do -- but they take innocents with them. Bad news all around.

What happens to Barbour now? Did he leave the governorship because it's a limited term? Will he try for higher office?
comment by tealstar on Jan 18, 2012 8:45 PM ()
Hi teal, well, I had to go back and change the spelling of the rain god, I think correctly it's TLALOC, the Aztec Rain God, usually depicted wearing a mask with fangs.
Every time we have a bad storm, I think of him.
Barbour served two terms (8 years) all that's allowed in Mississippi. He went the next day to work with a law firm, back to his lobbyist career. He made so many enemies by this pardon and release thing nobody would vote for him as dogcatcher now.
reply by susil on Jan 19, 2012 2:40 PM ()
Those forever stamps are a good investment since the stamp price keeps going up. I saved some of mine from back when they were 39 cents, so look now. Of course while saving them, I was still buying new stamps at the various up-rates, but I get a little satisfaction from thinking about my postal nest egg.
comment by troutbend on Jan 18, 2012 5:23 PM ()
Wow! I can't remember when stamps were 39 cents!
The roll of Forever stamps I bought was only 100. I need to buy at least 10 rolls to last a while, I reckon
reply by susil on Jan 18, 2012 5:32 PM ()
read bit and pieces on this.Weird.
comment by fredo on Jan 18, 2012 3:54 PM ()
Hi fredo; Weird is a good word!
Fredo, hope you are well and staying warm. Tx for reading...susil
reply by susil on Jan 18, 2012 4:17 PM ()

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