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Arts & Culture > Aliens, Repressed Love and Tragedy

Aliens, Repressed Love and Tragedy

Yesterday was so warm I made a pitcher of iced tea, using decaf tea bags--but even decaf products still have some caffeine, as was proven by me being bug eyed at 1am.

I caught the movie "Alien III" as it was starting, and by golly, althought I didn't intend to, I was up till nearly 3am watching as it ended with Ripley swan diving into a vat of molten lead as that ghastly little alien she had been impregnated with burst from her abdomen and went into the furnace with her.

I've seen this movie before; it's entertaining enough so I'd stay awake. But two movies I've seen on cable lately I swear I will never ever watch again.

First is "Ethan Frome", based on a novel by Pulitzer Prize winning author Edith Wharton. A movie based on this book was made a few years ago, starring Liam Neeson. The story: Set in horse and buggy days in fictional Starkville Mass. Ethan is the only child of a middle class widowed mother. He is off at college when his mother becomes ill and needs him to come home and take care of her and the farm.

She sees how hard it is for him to take care of everything and suggests they send for a poor cousin who will come to the house and help take care of her. So cousin Zeena arrives and after Ethan's mother dies, Zeena is packing to go and Ethan feels sorry for her after she says she really has no place to go. He says You can stay here. She says not unmarried and in the same household.
So they marry, but Ethan finds that Zeena is a hypochondriac of the first caliber. His dreams of college gone, he struggles in a loveless marriage.

Zeena is incapacitated and suggests they send for a poor cousin to come help around the house. The cousin turns out to be pretty red haired Mattie who is incompetent around the house, but Ethan falls deeply in love with her. He represses his feelings so much--that's the way society was then--that you just want to scream at him.
Zeena begins to feel the current between Mattie and Ethan and sends Mattie away. On her last day Ethan does something Mattie has always wanted to do--he takes her sledding down a snowy slope--they crash and Mattie is paralyzed, and Ethan is left with a paralyzed leg, and other severe injuries, so that he moves around so crippled up it's hard to watch.

Zeena then has to take care of Mattie and help Ethan.
Though filmed in crisp beautiful color, it is snowy and cold throughout the entire movie--there is a feeling of bleakness and bitterness and acceptance; of starkness and coldness and unfillment and sadness--I can't watch it ever again.

Then there is Madame Bovary which airs on TCM every now and then. Based on the novel by Gustav Flaubert. B/W, released in 1949, Starring Jennifer Jones

This is also a period piece, about Emma, a farmer's daughter who reads romance novels and lives in a dreamworld of waiting for her prince to come along. The nearest thing to that is Charles, the doctor who comes to look in on her father. The doctor falls hard for her and they marry, but Madame Bovary is never satisfied. She runs up huge bills at various shops in the town where the doctor practices. She decorates their modest house, and has beautiful gowns made for her. And she is bored silly with her husband and child.

An aristocrat stops to see the doctor one day for a minor ailment and sees the charming Ms. Emma Bovary and invites them to a ball at his estate. Her husband says no, I'm not comfortable around those people, but she prevails and is stunning at the ball. She begins an affair with one of the aristocrats and plans to run away to Italy with him. She packs her trunks and waits by the door for his carriage to pick her up. He stands her up. She is suicidal.

Then she has another affair with Leon, a guy she thinks has money, and turns out he is nothing but a clerk. It doesn't help that her husband has been disgraced after a disastrous attempt at repairing a club foot, and that the bill collectors are hounding her for payment.

She stuffs her mouth with arsenic and dies, loved to the end by her husband. It's just too depressing. I swear I won't watch that again either although Jennifer Jones is so good in the title roll.


posted on Jan 21, 2012 12:29 PM ()


Your reviews reaffirm why I don't watch movies. I'm funny that way. And I'm thankful I can drink regular coffee at night and still sleep like a baby.
comment by solitaire on Jan 24, 2012 6:42 AM ()
Hi sol, you lucky guy! No matter what is said about decaf tea and coffee--it does not taste like the real thing!
reply by susil on Feb 1, 2012 2:19 PM ()
I hate movies that make me feel worse than I did when they began. I have enough of my own problems; I don't need more stacked on top.
comment by redimpala on Jan 23, 2012 5:37 PM ()
Hi red; That's why Ethan Frome and Madame Bovary are two movies I'll never watch again--too much downer!
reply by susil on Feb 1, 2012 2:20 PM ()
No Fredo...not mental. I love it and have to have caffeine in my coffee.
However, it does keep me awake.
comment by elderjane on Jan 22, 2012 4:20 PM ()
Enjoyed your recaps. My then husband and I went to see the first Alien years ago, and it scared me silly. I think I saw five minutes of the whole thing, with my head buried in his shoulder. I don't do scary movies well. I do like old, classic films, but the two you saw would not be on my list, having read both novels and found them more dreary than poignant. It seems I continue to be glad I don't have cable TV.
comment by marta on Jan 22, 2012 3:58 PM ()
Hi marta; The utter worst movies are the blood and guts horror movies--not for me, I hate 'em!
reply by susil on Feb 1, 2012 2:25 PM ()
I saw Alien on a visit to Chicago when my sis and b.i.l. were still living there. I didn't want to go but I couldn't say no to my nephew who was keen on it. He sat next to me and laughed himself silly because I closed my eyes and had my hands over my ears for most of the movie. You can bet I didn't go to any sequels. I saw Madame Bovary at a time when I could still absorb watching people self-destruct. Didn't Van Heflin play the doctor? You sure know how to have a good time.
comment by tealstar on Jan 21, 2012 7:29 PM ()
Hi teal; I do think Van Heflin was the doc, but I don't recall for sure.
The Alien movies were okay; better than watching the political news--that's really gruesome!
Yep, nothing but fun here in the boonies!
reply by susil on Feb 1, 2012 2:29 PM ()
Tear jerker/sad ending movies I avoid like the plague. At least I haven't wasted two hours if I knit through it. I could easily watch all the Alien movies again.
comment by nittineedles on Jan 21, 2012 2:57 PM ()
Hi nittin; I never watch TV without doing something else, usually crossword puzzles or playing Scrabble with myself or reading etc. In the wee hours when I'm watching those movies with the bad endings, it's either those or infomercials, both pretty bad!
reply by susil on Feb 1, 2012 2:34 PM ()
Hi fredo; Oh how I miss a REAL cup of coffee--when I go into the local convenience store they have coffee brewing in the morning and it smells SOOOO good. But I have to stick with decaf coffee and tea--caffeine makes my heartbeat irregular. But the decaf stuff does not taste like the real stuff!
comment by susil on Jan 21, 2012 1:42 PM ()
yes,it does this.I understand clearly on this.It happened to me as I have heart disease.
The flutter comes and go but it is not from the caffeine for me.
did not realized that you were having this problem and sorry for this.
My heart fluttered always for you(just a little yoke)lol,I know of this.Just picking on you.
reply by fredo on Jan 21, 2012 2:06 PM ()
It was supposed to be 68 degrees here in Las Vegas today, but a front came in and it's blustery and rainy. We haven't had any precipitation in a couple of months. In the last hour the clouds all blew away, headed east somewhere.
comment by troutbend on Jan 21, 2012 1:05 PM ()
Those clouds are heading our way, with precipitation..
reply by susil on Jan 21, 2012 1:37 PM ()
Never heard of it.I love caffeine and do not have any problems.Most of this is mental.
comment by fredo on Jan 21, 2012 12:51 PM ()
Sorry fredo; your reply jumped up above there somewhere!
reply by susil on Jan 21, 2012 1:44 PM ()

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