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This and That!

I went to transfer the pictures from my gallery to my blog and hit the delete key on accident.  I'll borrow some from the girls at work to show you the pink fire truck and the people who drive it all over the US of A in pink firesuits that we made at the plant that I work at.  The company had a private bar-b -cue lunch for all of us workers and we all got to sign the fire truck.  It's all for breast cancer awareness.  Pretty AWESOME!!!!!  The Globe striders walk the walk every year.
Hubby and I have counseling tomorrow after work, the company I work for has a program that along with our insurance sets us up into counseling for just about anything that you need help with, even a lawyer if you need one or cash advisors.  It's trully a great company to work for.  There are several companies that provide this service for their employees.  It's all private too, even the company can't call and ask if you've used their services.  My supervisor gave me the pamplet two weeks ago and I told hubby that I wanted us to see someone just to mediate so it doesn't get out of hand between us and he is wanting to make this marriage work as badly as I do and has agreed to it.
His test results all came back negative so I trully believe that his sister and her friend were lying all along and that he really didn't have anything to do with her.  He's back in our bed and very happy to be out of Ra's bed, it's only a twin and hubby's a good sized man.  Plus Ra was sleeping with me and he's a bed hog.
We made bonus at work last week.  So in two weeks we get a $450.00 dollar check on top of our paychecks.  If we fill all our orders on time in a three month period we get a bonus every three months.  Cool, Huh?
I heard a really cool song at work today, I'll have to try to find it at rhapsody.  "Blood is thicker than water, but love is thicker than blood."  When I find it I'll share it with you.
I'm looking for The Our Father Prayer set to song.  Does anyone have any ideas?  I'll bet Jen and Hazel will.  I'll have to ask them.
As you can see We're doing well and all is great in our world.  We're taking one day at a time and just remembering why we fell in love and got married in the first place.  We're growing closer as a family, the three of us, and enjoying every moment we have together.  We'd love to get together with Hubby's daughter and her family but his sister is still playing the games of ignorance and writing bogus blogs and more lies so we have shelved that, he left his phone number for his daughter so the ball is in her court.  We'll be fine either way.  We're stronger and happier than we have ever been and nothing can take that away from us ever again.
Have a great night all.  Oh and I have some killer recipes to share with you that I made up the last few days, perhaps later tonight or tomorrow after work.
Happy Cooking,


posted on Sept 29, 2008 2:07 PM ()


Is it "The Lord's Prayer" song you are looking for Barb? This is Jenn. I am Texastar on here. I bet youtube has it.

comment by texastar on Sept 29, 2008 4:29 PM ()
Well things are looking up there.
The lords prayer is in music.Barbara Stresiand sang it in one
of my albums.Check out youtube and see.
Glad that things are coming together for you and the family.
comment by fredo on Sept 29, 2008 2:17 PM ()

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