There is a woman at work that is driving me batty! She's one of those people that you expect to walk in with a gun and start shooting. She's constantly talking to herself and answering herself too. I feel sorry for her. Not enough to engage her in conversation, I actually avoid looking at her. She literally scares the ***************** out of me. Everyone is afraid of her. I suppose I should cowboy up and try to be her friend!
I am off today and am planning on making fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and broccoli and cheese sauce. Since I never make the same thing twice I will post the recipe after I have it all started.
Yesterday, hubby made pork chops, it was suppose to be a pork roast but he cut it up. He layered a baking dish with cabbage, onions and apples, laid the pork chops on the top and baked them, after marinating them in a garlic, ginger and lemon sauce. The pork chops, not the cabbage. It was good. I made garlic noodles to go along with it. We have a thing about garlic.
One of the babies has just left behind the terrible twos, the other one has just started, with a vengeance! I'm too old for this. LOL! I'll be back!
Happy Cooking,