Hubby and I have been in counseling. We were letting too many people and their problems interfere in our day to day lives and lost track of us. We're back on track and things have been pretty good lately. I forgot what it was like not to argue and fight everyday.
The job is going well. We made bonus the day before 2 weeks of vacation so I took the opportunity to move us away from all the drama in town. We're still in the same area just no longer in town. Hubby is working for now and everything is going quite well for us. I went back to work on Monday. Why are vacations never long enough?
I actually started cooking again. I was in such a state that I didn't even cook for awhile.
Today is Ra's birthday. He's now 11. Sis is still here and we are going to pick up Ra's little brother this week-end to spend the rest of the summer with us. Ra can hardly wait. I just hope they still get along as well as they did when they were little. Time will tell.
I've got to go bake him another cake for tonight. And get the stuff for pizza. I make him a smiley face cake on Sunday and him and they neighbor kids ate it all so what the heck. You only turn 11 once.
I usually have from 4 to 5 Monday through Friday to myself and I think that I will start spending the time blogging and doing for me. I lost ME for awhile but I'm back.
Take care all. Talk to you tomorrow if not this evening.
Happy Cooking,