He is so adorable. Seven weeks old and he loves his great aunt. All kids love me, probably cuz they know I love them.

I've got a four day week-end and so do the kids. Last night I kept Jess's kids and she spent the night at her boyfriends. SO now I'm going to make them french toast for breakfast. Yesterday I burned the hell out of my hands making hubby and Jess breakfast, I wasn't paying attention and threw the home fries into the pan and the grease splattered on the fatty sides of my palms, nice blisters. The plus side is that hubby has to do all the dishes now. LOL!!!
It's a beautiful weekend here in New Hampshire. Cold at night but mid seventies during the day. The leaves are turning nicely, I'll go and take pictures this afternoon, I've got to clean the house and do laundry this morning. A good woman's work is never done.
Have a great morning all and I'll post the pics this afternoon.
Happy Cooking,