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Food & Drink > Family Was over for Supper ... .

Family Was over for Supper ... .

We played music and had all the kids dancing and acting like fools, it was a good time. Hubby must have taken 50 + pictures but I won't let him post them as I was looking less than perfect. LOL!

The nephews took hubby outside and were quite nasty with him and his intentions regarding me. They aren't even my blood relatives but they love me more than anything and they are so disgusted with their uncle that I found myself jumping once again to his defense, they told me to go back into the house with their women, what, cavemen days?

Anyway I had a great time with the babies. Babies and all children love me. Go figure.

So the real part of the family want to plan the renewing of our vows on Thanksgiving. They don't want us to do it alone and want to be there because none of them were there when we got married. What the hell, I told hubby it's cool with me.

I have learned that you have to communicate. That makes a relationship. Trust and love and all the other bullshit doesn't mean shit if you aren't communicating. John and I never talked, we felt that was the beginning and the end. He is so disgusted with himself with what he did and he wanted so bad to come home and tell me but he was ashamed and he always told me that he never felt anything sexual for this woman and that he felt disgusted with himself the morning after when he awoke sober and in his right mind. She called him the other day when he was on his way to pick me up from work and told him that if she would have just talked to him that he would have stayed and divorced me and would have been forever hers, he just shut his phone off. Her and his sister set out to destroy my world and they lost more than they will ever know, they made us a stronger couple so I guess I should say thank you. Not gonna happen. They can both kiss my ass.!!! I love the idea that they are faking John's daughter ID on blogster, John's talked to his daughter and and she knows nothing about this peaches13 ID on blogster. Who cares anyway?

I hsve jokes and recipes but I'm so tired.

Happy Night!

Happy Cooking,

posted on Oct 3, 2008 9:13 PM ()


comment by texastar on Oct 4, 2008 4:57 AM ()
You are right--communication is key to a good relationship!
comment by angiedw on Oct 4, 2008 2:13 AM ()
comment by strider333 on Oct 3, 2008 9:45 PM ()

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