Here's the one year old with Papa, first thing this morning. I'm on vacation for two weeks and of course I'm up taking pictures and having coffee, wondering why I'm not sound asleep. This is Jaylen. He's just as cute as can be. Here's another one.

I'll post some of Jessie in a bit, he has to get up first and have his picture taken.
Having these two little guys and Ra and working all the time I'm been a busy girl. But I'm blessed.
Hubby has been doing the child rearing and cooking lately but for the next two weeks I'm back into the kitchen and the whole house thing. Cooking , cleaning and all that that entails.
I hope this blasted rain will cease at least so I can grill tomorrow. It's very blah! But I will make due, that's what I do best. I'll post some recipes of what I am making for tomorrow come rain or shine. I can bar-b-cue in the house as well as outside.
I'll be back, I've got to get the day rolling!
Happy Cooking,