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Food & Drink > Counting Blessings

Counting Blessings

First I should mention that me being home is driving hubby nuts. The children are kissing the ground on which I walk because I don't discipline I encourage havoc. Not really, but it's close enough for you to get the idea.

I've been cooking up a storm. I write my recipe's down but I never follow them to the exact, there is always something that catches my fancy and I add it to the dish and sometimes it works and sometimes it's not something I would add in again and that goes on a note at the bottom of the recipe. Usually with a unhappy face. For instance, Tarragon :( Parsley :)

Today is my "Don't give a shit!" day. Funny that it happens to fall on the day I've decided to start potty training the infants. I guess technically they are toddlers.

I have more pictures!!! This is when we first got the boys!

Haircuts...too cute!

Not to leave my Ra of sunshine out!!

I'm really way too old to start raising children again. I've done my time. Yet, when I look into these babies eyes I see my own soul and can't say no. I can't walk away. Their mother is so mind screwed that she can't get her act together. I hurt for her but I can no longer help her, insomuch, as to allow her to live with me again. She has to do this on her own now, prove to me that she can hold a job, maintain an apartment and all that that entails and find appropriate child care. She called me the other day and wanted me to send her money. My first thought was I am raising 3 of your children and you want what from me? I sent her twenty dollars and her birth certificate so she could get I.D.

All the things I have been soap boxing about are the reason I am so thankful for all my many blessings.

Many kudos to hubby! I got a phone call two months ago and was asked if I'd take the kids they were here within two hours. After I got off the phone I told hubby they were coming. There was no conversation, or debates, I made a decision and he stood by me. He has them all day long while I get a 9 hour break Monday thru Friday. Believe me, he goes off duty the moment I walk in the door but Kudos, who else would do that without prior notice and prep time?

The bathroom is waiting for me to scrub. I'll be back.

Happy Cooking,

posted on July 8, 2009 5:55 AM ()

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