Yesterday while I was on the boat our group has been using with two of the local people, our group was out on a different boat. They took a few pictures of a moon jelly from underwater. They swim near the surface.

They also found a blue tang. Probably more than one, but captured this picture.
The most time-consuming part of the work they are doing is collecting spectral measurements of the coral, sand, algae, etc. The spectral measurements are detailed color data. They also take pictures of each thing that is scanned that way.

The measurements are taken along a transect using a measuring tape as a guide for position and distance.

They also take pictures using a half-meter-side-length frame. It has Ts on the corners for holding without interfering with the frame contents and for the water to drain when back on the boat.

This is what it looks like in process. One person places and holds the frame, while someone else takes the picture. That guy holding the frame can hold his breath for a long time.

While they were getting ready to leave on the boat this morning, I was trying to take a picture of the pelicans that were feeding at the edge of the mangroves, but they were too far away. There a many little fish that hang out at the dock, where I'm standing and around the mangroves.