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A Path

Life & Events > Update 20090221

Update 20090221

I didn’t post anything last week because I was taking the week off from weight training because it’s been several months since I started doing it and hadn’t taken a break yet and I was on travel for much of the week for work.

I wrote "much of the week" because the trip was cut short due to a, um, problem with the equipment, so we came home early. An interesting part of the trip was that we were able to use our corporate partner’s corporate jet to fly the team and all the equipment. None of us had been in a corporate jet before. Very nice. We weren’t allowed to take pictures. No herding cattle through security nor being packed into neat little rows on the plane. We each had a couch and we spread out around the cabin. Every seat is "first class", even if it is a couch. I think I was the only one of the team of about ten who put anything (my coat) in an overhead bin. Lots of space. The flight attendants served food not snacks in boxes. Drinks were in glasses. The couches in the front of the main cabin were arranged around a low table, where the buffet was laid out. After dealing with cafes on site that served fried this and that WITH a mound of french fries and the only fruit available was tomatoes on hamburgers, etc., the platters from Whole Foods, including trays of fruit and a selection of Naked juices, was very nice. The biggest problem with the flights was that they were too short. There was no time to play with the Wii.

On the return flight the captain came on the intercom shortly after take off and asked if he should take a slight left and head to Hawai’i, we had enough fuel, all he needed was the go ahead from our project manager. The manager then went up to the cockpit and sat with the crew for a while. We all spent a little time up there looking around. The lucky ones took the extra seats for the take offs and landings.

Because the plane had external cameras and wide screen monitors fore and aft in the main cabin (we watched most of Top Gun during the flight), the rest of us could watch using the tail (way up there), belly forward or aft, or side views. The flight attendants said they liked the belly forward view to watch the take off and landing, but I liked the tail cam because it looked over the top of the plane and out to the landscape around the plane, while the belly cam showed the landing gear and the runway.

In front of the main cabin was two bedroom suites, but we weren’t allowed in there. Forward of those was another cabin similar but smaller than the main cabin, more like a working area with a desk and chairs.

After work Friday, I came home and worked on my workout program for the next cycle. It’s pretty much the same as the last one because it focuses on the compound exercises as before. I’ll start that Monday.

posted on Feb 27, 2009 11:18 AM ()

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