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Loose Robes

Life & Events > Where's the Asylum?

Where's the Asylum?

It is not politically correct these days to make assumptions about the proclivities of gender. Nurses may be male; truck drivers may be female; and presidential candidates may be either. But in some cultures, the presumption about who does the housework abides. In the sign above, the use of the word “asylum” might suggest that the students are being held like mentally ill young women who have had the temerity to think that, perhaps, there are other things than household work.
In today’s society, given the blurring of sex roles, there most certainly will be a consequent diminishing of hard and fast household assignments. Add to this, with most women working rather than staying home as “housewives,” why shouldn’t some husbands pitch in with the housework. I’ll be the first to admit that I can iron, wash dishes, cook, and vacuum carpets. Of course, I also chop wood, haul trash to the dump, smoke cigars, and spit.
There is a woman I know whose husband is, for lack of a better word, a rancher. He is apparently helpless, however, when it comes to taking care of himself. She has to run home at noon to feed him; he can’t even throw together a PB&J sandwich.
My sainted grandmother was an old-fashioned fulltime expert at “household work.” She was always two steps behind you, picking up your mess. Neither my mother nor my mother-in-law, on the other hand, gave housework much significance. In the latter’s home, particularly, roaches outnumbered human beings 1,000 to 1. No one ever remotely suggested that my MIL ought be placed in an “asylum” such as pictured above. Besides, she was no longer a “young female.”
While it may still be true that, when compared to men, women generally have larger breasts and smaller pay checks, we have come a long way (apologies to the late Victor Mature, who had larger breasts than most women). The days of the housewife, that is, the wife who stayed at home, are going the way of the printed newspaper. Asylums, too, are no longer prevalent; today we call it congress.

posted on Dec 3, 2012 8:18 AM ()


He stole my heart when he sang along to a Mozart opera in the original German.
comment by tealstar on Dec 4, 2012 8:39 AM ()
Great post!!!!!!!!!!1
comment by solitaire on Dec 4, 2012 5:58 AM ()
I aims to please...
reply by steve on Dec 4, 2012 6:17 AM ()
Married to a man with a rock star complex. Takes off his jacket and knows someone behind him will catch it before it falls to the floor. It is what it is. I stand my ground over battles worth fighting.
comment by tealstar on Dec 4, 2012 5:28 AM ()
He doesn't sound like your type... must be something else to it.
reply by steve on Dec 4, 2012 6:17 AM ()
This building seems to be in Bath; I think it may have been an asylum for mentally retarded or otherwise handicapped women. They were probably taught to go into service as lower maids like scullery maids, etc, so they could earn their board, if not actual wages.
comment by drmaus on Dec 3, 2012 11:46 PM ()
Nah, I just got curious where you come up with your pictures since I work online.
reply by drmaus on Dec 9, 2012 10:00 AM ()
Are you trying to inject a little reality into my phantasy??
reply by steve on Dec 4, 2012 6:15 AM ()
smoke gigars and spit no no ----all the others i do mother taught me to cook---- cant put a thing down and expect it to be there when needed --wife swoops and its gone. have a mate thast can cook but nothing else -- and that political correct bussiness gives me the shits
comment by kevinshere on Dec 3, 2012 10:34 PM ()
You got that right, mate!!
reply by steve on Dec 4, 2012 6:15 AM ()

I salute you for being an enlightened husband.
comment by elderjane on Dec 3, 2012 11:19 AM ()
If I ever attained enlightenment, it was of necessity to keep from starving, wearing wrinkled shirts, and living in filth.
reply by steve on Dec 3, 2012 12:56 PM ()
I think there is hope for all of us to cross the household gender divide. That happened one time when I needed to replace the thermocouple on the furnace during a big snow storm and couldn't get a plumber to make a house call. I managed to get it done, but there were several moments of doubt and frustration (it dawned on me that crying wasn't going to solve anything). I wonder if men cooking in the kitchen for the first time experience that level of angst.
comment by troutbend on Dec 3, 2012 10:14 AM ()
I can't answer your query re men new in the kitchen. My own domestic abilities commenced of necessity when I began living on my own. At a certain point, it was just another task to be fulfilled.
reply by steve on Dec 3, 2012 12:55 PM ()
comment by hobbie on Dec 3, 2012 9:22 AM ()
You beez a smart kitty, Hobbie.
reply by steve on Dec 3, 2012 12:52 PM ()

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