Life is a series of false predicaments. You only thought that you wanted to enter, right? To everything there is an alternative choice. Enter, or don’t enter. Eat steak, or eat hamburger. Bet on the Steelers, or bet on the Ravens. These are all bogus concerns because, in the long run, it doesn’t matter.
The guy who put out this sign may be the devil in disguise, having his fun with you. If you are a conspiracy believer, you could suspect that he is in cahoots with the evil Sign Maker Himself, out to create havoc in the streets. If you dwell upon it too long, it can grow into a pounding quandary that will ruin your day. WHERE AM I GONNA PARK?!
Calm down before you begin to hyperventilate, okay. Don’t make this more than it is. Alternatives are often better than what we wanted to do in the first place. We’ve all heard the story about the guy who ran like hell and still missed the bus, but then, on the next bus, he meets the love of his life. Or the diner who really wanted meat balls on his pasta but, since they were out, opted for sausage instead, only to end up enjoying the best sausage he’d ever eaten. Substitution is not a dirty word, people. It can be stimulating. It can be delicious. It can be BETTER!