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Loose Robes

Life & Events > The Arrows of Life

The Arrows of Life

I imagine this sign is on a college campus somewhere, designed to spur uncertain students to consider their life options. Let’s see, the business school is over there; I could major in marketing. But gee, the Science Department has such a great climatology program; I could get a job in Greenland watching the glacier melt.
Then there’s always the problem of not being able to decide, so you do what I did: get a degree in English with a minor in philosophy. Then you could take a whole series of low grade jobs as I did: houseparent for retarded children, taxicab driver (night shift in Miami), pizza cook, guinea pig for heat/cold experiment, office clerk (the best one, since I met my future wife there). Finally, I was working as the night manager of the campus store at F.S.U. when I got friendly with a guy to whom I’d sold a pen. We would have coffee together on occasion and he’d keep telling me I was wasting my life. Why don’t you do this? Why don’t you do that? Then, eventually, why don’t you go to law school? This last idea stuck in my craw. So he hit me with his final argument: “I’ll tell you what. I’ve told you that I want to go to med school but, truth be told, I just want to be a professional. We’ve gotten to be friends so I’ll make you a deal. If you go to law school, I’ll go to law school, and then we can open up a practice together.”
So I took the LSAT and got into law school. Last time I saw my friend, he was heading to Guadalajara, Mexico for med school. I haven’t seen him since. That was 1969. He’s probably a rich plastic surgeon in LaLa Land now.
Meeting him was just an accident of fate. He just happened to come in when I was there, I just happened to be standing behind the pen counter, etc. 1969 was a helluva year in many ways, but that’s a whole other post.

posted on Dec 2, 2012 6:05 PM ()


Seems like the only thing you didn't do was work at a place where you had to ask customers: "Would you like fries with that?" My B.S. was about as useful as yours. Then I went to grad school and became overqualified and underpaid. Probably should have gone to law school instead.
comment by catdancer on Dec 4, 2012 7:16 PM ()
I learned how to think as an undergrad. Then law school squeezed the creativity out of me, teaching me to "think like a lawyer." I've been working to overcome that ever since.
reply by steve on Dec 5, 2012 7:23 AM ()
Interesting turn of events. I sometimes wonder "what if..?".
comment by solitaire on Dec 4, 2012 5:55 AM ()
Life is littered with "what ifs.." Impossible not to think about them.
reply by steve on Dec 5, 2012 7:21 AM ()
Anyone in my past who had that kind of effect on my life, I'd want to find. Whassa matta you? I look up even minor people -- I don't reach out every time, but I like to do it. Also, it confirms that I was there then and hanging on to my past is something I meed to do. Found a boyfriend from my 20s, reached out. We had great conversations for three years following and then he died. I'm glad I did it. At my stage in life, it's a kick to reconnect with someone who knew me when I was formidable. He remembered.
comment by tealstar on Dec 3, 2012 7:25 AM ()
That sighn sure is confusing --years may come and years may go-- but i have trouble with todays date when filling out forms
comment by kevinshere on Dec 2, 2012 8:08 PM ()
I almost never know what the date is... that's what retirement is all about, eh?
reply by steve on Dec 3, 2012 7:08 AM ()
I'm curious. Did you find a site with interesting photos that inspired your last few posts. Or did you write the posts first, then search for appropriate photos to accompany them? I'm guessing the former.
comment by miker on Dec 2, 2012 7:48 PM ()
Good guess. I came across a series of photos, chose some of them, then wrote posts inspired by the individual photos. Hey, as inspiration goes, it's better than sex.
reply by steve on Dec 3, 2012 7:06 AM ()
You might find him on facebook. Most everybody I know (including myself) has found at least a few significant people from the past on there.
comment by jjoohhnn on Dec 2, 2012 7:00 PM ()
I'd have to join facebook to do that and I'm not so inclined. I don't wonder about him THAT much...
reply by steve on Dec 3, 2012 7:08 AM ()

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