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Sports & Recreation > Olympics > Olympic Sport

Olympic Sport

What is a “sport”?  What is an Olympic sport?  Are
they the same thing?

Clearly being a “sport” does not carry with it
automatic entry into Olympic competition.  In August of 2009, in fact, the International Olympic Committee chose
not to include such sports as baseball, softball, or squash, and to include rugby
and golf.  Some people argue quite
articulately that golf isn’t even a sport.

So golf, previously an Olympic sport back in 1900
and 1904, now joins other Olympic competitions that are arguably not
sports:  ping pong, synchronized
swimming, and rhythmic gymnastics to name three.  Of course, there was a time when croquet and
tug-of-war were included as Olympic sports.  Yet wrestling, which was part of the ancient games in Greece and has its
roots in the first modern Games in 1896, is now out!  Who knows what prompted that decision.  Perhaps they think that wrestling scoring is
too incomprehensible for the typical Olympic audience.

It is difficult to define the term “sport.”  Here’s what my dictionary says:

is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or
team competes against another or others for entertainment.

I thought perhaps it could be distinguished from the
word “game” but here’s that definition:

is a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played
according to rules and decided by skill, strength or luck.

The addition of the words “rules” and “luck” don’t
really help because all sports include these elements.  At least by using the word “or” we are able
to include poker as a “game,” although ESPN must think it is a “sport” as it
televises poker all the time, which is beyond me.  Yet they have never televised a marathon
race, a competition that features arguably the best athletes in the world. 

Of course, the most questionable IOC decision of all
has to be the one that allowed professional athletes like NBA stars and elite
tennis stars to compete in what used to be a strictly amateur competition.  That effectively destroyed the most unique element
of Olympic competition. 

posted on May 5, 2013 2:26 PM ()


I watch the events I like, no matter what they are called -- those would be figure skating, maybe if nothing else is on, speed skating, all ski events, gymnastics, foot races of every kind, pole vault, swimming, diving. Please note the total absence of interest in team sports. Been there, done that, got bored. As for wrestling, here's a giant ho-hum. There's nothing pretty about it, no one is going anywhere. I don't care how strong they are, or how they can wrap their legs around someone's esophagus. I care for the aesthetics and the speed of a sport. That's it.
comment by tealstar on May 6, 2013 7:16 AM ()
I never watch the Winter Games. As for the Summer Games, I will watch track & field and that's about it. I've never been interested in wrestling either, nor gymnastics, nor boxing, nor swimming.
reply by steeve on May 6, 2013 8:11 AM ()
ESPN has become 1. The official NY and Boston area sports channel, 2. The channel where talking heads read from scripts as if they are speaking their own minds, and 3. Boring us to death with X-Games and Poker. Soon the new FOX SPORTS Network will tear ESPN a new butt hole. I can't wait.
comment by jondude on May 6, 2013 6:45 AM ()
The sports commentators seem to be so friggin' opinionated in a pushy sort of way; it puts me off.
reply by steeve on May 6, 2013 8:13 AM ()
comment by elderjane on May 6, 2013 5:33 AM ()
I don't even know how many players to a side, let alone the rules...
reply by steeve on May 6, 2013 6:35 AM ()
They include synchronized swimming and ping pong, but they're dropping wrestling? Insane! I've got to believe the two oldest sports in the world are running and wrestling.
comment by miker on May 5, 2013 3:35 PM ()
I stand corrected.
reply by miker on May 6, 2013 3:19 PM ()
I thought the two oldest sports in the world were sex & war.
reply by steeve on May 5, 2013 6:14 PM ()
It actually really bothers me that they would keep boxing but not wrestling. Wrestling is one of the original strength competitions from classic times.
comment by drmaus on May 5, 2013 2:55 PM ()
I's crazy!
reply by steeve on May 5, 2013 6:16 PM ()
This is a shock, that they're trying to eliminate wrestling! Bruno Sammartino and Dan Gable would be turning over in their..... um, beds. Since they're both still very much alive and all.
comment by drmaus on May 5, 2013 2:52 PM ()

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