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Life & Events > On Language

On Language

I was, like, where did you get that? And he goes ‘I found it’ and stuff and I
was, like, wow.

This I’m overhearing from the young girl in line in
front of me at the grocery store.  I look
at my wife, who gives me the look.  She is silently telling me to keep my mouth
shut.  She knows that I get mightily
perturbed when I hear someone speaking sub-standard English.  But I am more than perturbed; I am sick to my
stomach when I witness scenes such as this, when our mother tongue is so
mutilated that you couldn’t parse the sentence because there is no sentence. 

Contemporary society has so loosened the corsets of
our language that today normal high school graduates slobber on her breasts
with impunity.  What, if anything, are
they teaching these people in high school that leaves them apparently incapable
of verbally constructing a set of words that is complete in itself, containing
a subject and predicate, conveying a concise thought without deteriorating into,
like, mumbo jumbo and stuff. 

Am I being elitist?  Am I expecting too much?  Hell, I
had a woman show up for an interview one day who wanted me to hire her as a
prosecuting attorney.  As soon as I heard
her speech sprinkled with the word like I wrote her off and shortened the interview.

I know the world evolves and things change,
including our language art.  But I wince
in pain when I hear it.  This is not
evolution; it is devolution, degeneration, sloth.  It ought to be at least a misdemeanor! 

posted on Mar 7, 2013 8:10 AM ()


You know Steve you are the only person that is aware of this.Hearing disability and how indeed impact my speech and others.Thank you for being so understanding.
comment by fredo on Mar 8, 2013 12:53 PM ()
Students don't read anymore and aren't exposed to good literature. Like
should be stricken from the English language.
comment by elderjane on Mar 8, 2013 5:16 AM ()
Who needs to read literature? We have the Internet! It's impacting me too, as I find myself reading less b/c I'm on line too much.
reply by steeve on Mar 8, 2013 6:55 AM ()
You think it's just their English? The last couple of weeks I have been tutoring a high school student for the math portion of the SAT. For one problem, she needed to add 15 and 10 and reached for her calculator. I grabbed it out of her hand and said, "If you had 15 cents and someone gave you another 10 cents, how much money would you have?" (Students usually calculate better when money is involved.) She replied that she gets nervous and needs a calculator. She is in 12th grade!
comment by miker on Mar 7, 2013 9:27 PM ()
Wow!! Perhaps teachers in K-12 just don't have the ability or nerve to truthfully assess students' abilities and so they just pass them on so as not to hurt anyone feelings.
reply by steeve on Mar 8, 2013 6:54 AM ()
The cashier at the garden store screamed out AWESOME! when I came up with the exact change. I told her there is no need for her to talk to me as if I was 12 years old.
comment by troutbend on Mar 7, 2013 5:01 PM ()
reply by steeve on Mar 7, 2013 5:14 PM ()
I remember a parent/teacher conference when my son was about 10. His teacher showed me a story he had written that was peppered with grammar and spelling mistakes. When I pointed then out to her, she said she was encouraging his imagination and wasn't concerned with his spelling or grammar. His grammar has improved but he still can't spell.
comment by nittineedles on Mar 7, 2013 11:47 AM ()
In my experience, college students who major in elementary ed are not as bright as some football players... I base this on the ones I've met personally.
reply by steeve on Mar 7, 2013 2:49 PM ()
On the bright side, young people who plan to succeed can relearn the ums and youknows. I had one of those habits when I began college (returning adult) and corrected it in a presentational speaking class. It can happen!
comment by jjoohhnn on Mar 7, 2013 11:09 AM ()
The desire to do it must precede the doing. Congrats to you but too many lack your initiative.
reply by steeve on Mar 7, 2013 2:50 PM ()
Not sure if I wanted you to meet me and curse at my grammar or EnglishThis has all change Steve.New generation have their own language.
Glad that your not interviewing me.
comment by fredo on Mar 7, 2013 9:32 AM ()
I'm guessing that your native tongue is Italian & so I wouldn't judge your English with the same measuring stick as others. Plus, I understand that you have a hearing disability, so that also would naturally impact your speech. I have no case against you, my friend!
reply by steeve on Mar 8, 2013 10:23 AM ()

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