It is not at all a stretch to say that Congress is so incredibly dysfunctional as to have plumbed depths never before reached by any governmental body. I’m talking since the beginning of time. These mountebanks have arrived at a nadir never before seen by a public official. They have out-performed the worst legislative body ever in their poor performance!
In fact, they have garnered all three of the big three for doing badly:
They are guilty of MISFEASANCE, which is doing the job poorly. This is the category typically inhabited by the negligent, the lame, the ill, the incompetent, and the poorly equipped. Being satisfied with non-effective gun laws or allowing the country to limp along with a convoluted, unfair tax code could be examples of this.
Then there is MALFEASANCE, which is doing the job improperly. This generally focuses upon those who refuse to allow themselves to be limited by ethics or the law, the self-important boobs who happily accept the grandiose of lobbyists and special interests, doing their bidding at the expense of the American public.
Finally there is NONFEASANCE, which is simply failure to perform their job, as in failure to achieve governing by consensus, or going home on recess while the economic meat axe falls.
Historians will marvel at the combination of faux rectitude and narrow perspective oozing out of Congress these days. It smells bad, and we are all downwind.
"We have seen the enemy and they are who we elected."- Someone else