It's been a busy week. I've cleaned the inside of my house, washed and hanged clothes out, done the usual maintenance--screen door latch repaired, screens put back in place on my deck, etc. Got the mower and roto-tiller started and put to work. Planted more garden. Sprayed Round-up on mustard garlic (an invasive species) at the farm. I just jumped from one job to the next all week.
Today I went "to town" to vote (I'll be gone on primary day), grocery shopped, spent $50 on a tank of gas for my Dakota, and helped my sister buy and transport lattice screening for her patio. I gave her some cedar posts and a post hole digger. She can do the digging!
I'm still planting garden. Some things go in early, some later. My fruit trees are in full blossom--beautiful pinks and whites. Working outside isn't so bad this time of year.
Oh, but I didn't neglect playing golf!
I think I'll relax a little this weekend. My expected guest couldn't make it, which is disappointing. I can begin packing for my trip out west.