I have about 4-5 wren houses close to the house, and the "chattering" is about to drive me crazy! The babies are constantly squawking as they await in their gourd nests of sticks for mommy to return. I'm looking forward to peace and quiet. And robins are getting all my raspberries (red and black) before I do!
I took my truck in for an oil change (at my usual 6000 mi) and to check on a slow tire leak. Sure enough, they found a nail. I hate when that happens. But I'm now ready to hit the road. I need a place to go. I'm considering upper peninsula of Mich.
Unfortunately, I have too much to do around here.
I also stopped in to see my father yesterday. We acted as if nothing ever happened. He was in good spirits and was "civil".
Not much else going on. Golf today plus more stuff to do around the house. Haven't seen or heard from my kids in nearly two weeks. Guess we're all busy.
Oh yes, caught another mole. And yet, there are more!! Must have been a family.
Have a great weekend. Stay cool.
Did you shoot those birds?