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That's All She Wrote

Parenting & Family > Motherhood > Wash Your Hands

Wash Your Hands

Wash your hands.

It is a three word sentence.

At times, it is a plea. Other times ... a command.

Wash your hands.

How many times have I uttered these words?

I have three children. My oldest daughter is 22. I stopped telling her to wash her hands years and years ago.

My middle daughter is 15. It's been quite awhile since I had to tell her to wash her hands.

But the 13 year old boy that lives here... ???

Not a day goes by, when he's home with me, that those words don't find their way out of my mouth.


It all started with the boy right around the potty training years. He was approaching 3 years old. He would go to the bathroom and I would make him wash his hands.

And just like anything, consistency and routine were the order of the day to train him to wash his hands ALWAYS after going to the bathroom.

But, 10 years later, I am still waiting for this boy to manage this passage on his own.

Wash your hands.

I don't want to say those words anymore.

I want the boy to wash his hands after he goes to the bathroom.

In the early morning hours, he used to try to sneak to the bathroom, closing the door ever so quietly, NOT flushing the toilet, then tiptoe out, just to avoid washing his hands. But I'd bust him as he would inevitably run up the stairs to his room, cluing me in to what he was doing on the first floor. I'd come flying out of my bedroom and make him come back down to wash.

He used to flush the toilet and just run the water in the sink, leading me to believe he had washed his hands. He'd come out of the bathroom and even wipe his "wet" hands on his pants to drive home the point to "whoever" may actually check to see if he really washed his hands. I caught on to that one when I stood outside the door one day and actually caught him with dry (filthy) hands.

He then moved to, turning on the water and sticking just his fingertips in the water and then flicking the water on me to prove he'd washed. His sister caught him wiggling an inch of fingers in the water one day, sans soap and figured out what his latest hand washing hoax was.

He graduated to squirting soft soap in the sink and running the water for long periods of time, making a ton of bubbles. He'd spend so much time on this, that I was just sure he'd washed his hands, but sadly found out that he'd only gotten the sink really clean, not his hands.

And once I caught him just putting soft soap on his hands, rubbing it in like lotion, and walking out of the bathroom.

He hates getting caught.

I hate catching him.

Why won't he just wash his damn hands???

It's a simple task. The water's right there. The sink is just right for his height. The liquid soap comes out of the pump easily. The towel hangs right next to the sink.



But don't you know, I just told him to wash his hands.

posted on June 30, 2008 1:19 PM ()


Oh man... that's funny -- but I can imagine it'd be very frustrating. With all the time n' energy he invests trying to get away with *not* washing his hands, why can't he just do what he's told and wash his darn hands.
comment by mellowdee on July 8, 2008 2:33 PM ()
What is it with boys??? I still have to tell mine to wash his hand before we eat. He used to run the water to make me think he was taking a shower and hang the clean towel on the shower rod and then walk out. That was when he was in middle school about the shower. The same way with brushing his teeth. It must be something about being a boy.
comment by texastar on July 1, 2008 5:39 AM ()
I can send him an adult-diaper full of c-dif…and you can do a show n tell about how easily this is passed by not washing one’s hands...
comment by dazeymae on June 30, 2008 5:47 PM ()
First of all, he's a boy and second, he's thirteen. Not to worry. Once he acquires an interest in girls you'll have problems getting him OUT of the bathroom.
comment by nittineedles on June 30, 2008 4:01 PM ()
Hmmm.... What if you just stopped asking or telling him?
comment by marta on June 30, 2008 3:19 PM ()
Love it.
comment by mrsstu on June 30, 2008 2:12 PM ()
That's too funny. Wonder why they do such odd things? I had a daughter that would NEVER flush when she pooh'ed. I think deep down she was always that potty training 2 year old that wanted to leave it there to show me what she had done.
comment by meranda on June 30, 2008 1:45 PM ()
I so relate to this post!! And if it makes you feel any better, I STILL have to remind my 19, 17, AND my 13 year old - Oddly enough, my 5 year old is awesome about washing his hands!
comment by greeneyedgemini on June 30, 2008 1:34 PM ()

BOYS!!!! Geez. That is too funny... well, gross, but funny! I think they have an adversion to cleanliness all around or something...
comment by kristilyn3 on June 30, 2008 1:27 PM ()

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