How do you do it??
Blog... that is.
Some days, my brain feels empty or maybe just uninspired.
Some days, I don't feel like talking, sharing or blogging. Not because I'm in a bad mood or anything... just not feeling it, ya know?
Some days, thoughts or happenings from my past inspire an article.
Other days, it's simply outlining what I did for the day or the day before.
If I haven't checked "my friends" blogs in a couple of days or so... I feel a little anxious and overwhelmed. I'll start at the top of my buddy list and make sure I've read all the articles I have missed since from them since my last visit.
I comment on just about every article I read.
I visit the blogs of the new visitors that have visited my page, and usually add them to my friends list.
I try to be positive and encouraging when commenting. I would never intentionally hurt someones feelings.
I have my own opinions about many topics.
I feel everyone is entitled to their own opinion too, so I don't criticize or try to maneuver anyone to my point of view.
That's how I do it.