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That's All She Wrote

Life & Events > Homecoming


Tonight is my high school's homecoming game.

A bunch of alumni are going.

Though, we won't be watching the game...

We'll be hanging down by the fence catching up with each other and reminiscing about old times.

My husband and I graduated in the class of 82' from this high school, though we were just friends of the same click back then. It's always a hoot when fellow classmates discover that we've married one another.

Our school is/was very small. Many classes intermingled and developed friendships with one another and it's almost bizarre how intertwined many of us are.

My sister was one class behind me. She and I shared many friends together back in school and still do to this day. We kinda go hand in hand. She's been organizing a homecoming reunion, if you will, through myspace, classmates.com, reunion.com and facebook for months now. She calls me almost daily with the update on someone from our school who's just emailed her to tell her that they're going to the game tonight. She says that the most frequent comment she hears from long lost classmates is "I remember when you and your sister moved here." Seems it was a highlight or something which we find hysterical. We were the "sisters" that everybody kept asking everybody else, "Have you seen the new sisters that just moved here?" Like I said, it's a small school and not a lot happens...

I can't wait to see Tony who went to the homecoming dance with my sister in 1982. My sister and her girlfriend (Anne who will also be there tonight and is also one of my friends) ditched their dates by telling them they had to go to the bathroom and then proceeded to call me to swing by the restaurant and "rescue" them from boredom. (BTW, Tony took that well and has no hard feelings towards us... that I know of)

We'll see Chris (a boy) who basically kissed every girl from the classes of 1982, 1983 & 1984.

I'll see my good friend Julie, who's sister married my husbands best friend Pete. Julie used to live next to my best friend Irene, whom dated my friend Bob, who is still my husbands best friend to this day. Julie also used to date Don who is another of my husbands foursome of best buds. Bob has a brother Will whom I worked for as an office assistant before working from home.

We'll see Cary (a boy) who was in love with my sister for years who was in my class and good friends of mine and my husbands. A girl Margaret was in love with Cary, but ended up marrying my ex-boyfriend Craig. Margaret has a brother Pat who was best friends with my husbands brother Joe. Pat was also in love with my sister. Pat and Margaret have a sister Joan who was in love with my husband back in high school.

Are you able to follow along? We sound like a bunch of inbred's sharing DNA, LOL

I'm really looking forward to this event. It's been 26 years since I graduated from high school. Years since I spent hours punching holes in paper to make confetti to throw at the homecoming football game of 82'. Years since I stayed out past curfew to finish the box of Wheaties float for the homecoming parade while listening to Billy Squire in Bob's driveway. Years since I stood along the fenceline that separates the field from the stands to talk with friends.

I think I'll wear my husbands varsity jacket.

posted on Sept 26, 2008 6:03 AM ()


Have a great time!
comment by hopefields on Sept 27, 2008 1:59 AM ()
comment by sybilmariee on Sept 26, 2008 3:51 PM ()
Have a great time! I went to a small high school, too, and share dear friendships to this day. Such a treat to be together!
comment by marta on Sept 26, 2008 2:28 PM ()
You have so many good memories. Have fun! I loved your line on inbred relationships! I taught in a small town in which everyone was related in some way!
comment by angiedw on Sept 26, 2008 11:05 AM ()
Wooooooooo Hoooooooooooooothe big 50.This is a great age
believed me.
comment by fredo on Sept 26, 2008 10:45 AM ()
Wow I got lost there on the names but it's cool that you still can keep touch with so many ol friends. Hope you have fun
comment by meranda on Sept 26, 2008 8:10 AM ()
sounds like a lot of fun!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 26, 2008 6:40 AM ()
Tomorrow is my big 50th! I am going to feel really old.
comment by jondude on Sept 26, 2008 6:10 AM ()

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