My husband and I decided to participate in a city wide garage sale coming up this weekend. We spent the better part of two days getting items ready for it. I cleaned out every corner, cupboard, pantry and closet. It feels sooooooooo good to unburden myself with all these things.
Our granddaughter came to visit a couple times in the last few days. We went for a nice long bike ride together and to the park.
She "helped" water the plants and was kind enough to stand still for a couple of pictures.
I'm busy getting back to the routine of life today... catching up on everything I didn't do while I was enjoying the 4 day weekend.
Hope everyone is well, happy and healthy.

Note the water pouring out of the can as she tries to water.
Lets just say that after a 1/2 an hour of this... she was soaked and the plants still needed watering, lol.